Profitable business in the service sector rating. The most profitable type of small business in Russia

Taking into account the unstable economic situation, businesses that require not the largest investments and can quickly pay for themselves are becoming relevant. The top successful projects, the income of which is several times higher than the initial investment and the peak of demand for which will be in 2017, was prepared by Ekaterina Soyak, CEO EMTG company.

1. Fixed price stores

In a crisis, such a business is beneficial, first of all, for entrepreneurs - when fixed price for a product in a purchasing store, it usually costs no more than 10 rubles. Therefore, from one unit of goods you can get at least 500% revenue. An excellent example in this direction is the domestic chain of one-price stores Fix-Price. The company currently operates more than 2,000 retail outlets throughout Russia, of which about 250 are open for franchising and are actively entering neighboring markets. Over the past 5 years, the number of fixed price stores in our country has increased by 1000%.

The route is actively developing in the domestic passenger transportation market and is in greatest demand in Moscow, which accounts for up to 65% of all orders. These companies traditionally do not advertise their reports, but informed sources indicate that in the capital region the turnover of taxi aggregators is 20 billion rubles. per month, while in Western countries they suffer billions of losses. Over the next two or three years, this business will remain promising in Russia, especially in Russian regions, where such concepts do not yet occupy leading positions, but have enormous potential for development.

Also becoming a very popular trend today are businesses that deliver ready-made food to your home - food constructors that allow you not only to eat a ready-made dish, but to prepare it yourself from the ingredients provided. This is a global trend. According to some estimates, by 2020 the turnover of this market will grow to $10 billion per year. Again, for now this service is gaining popularity in the capital, but over the next 2-3 years it will bring enormous profits to those who begin to develop this business in Russian cities with a population of one million.

4. Franchises Catering

Today, this is the only segment in public catering that demonstrates stable growth against the backdrop of the anemic state of the domestic economy. When located in areas with large concentrations potential clients The payback of a business with a properly organized process can be only 3–4 months. In 2017, not only restaurants will benefit, but also casual coffee shops, cafes offering coffee to go, and, of course, sports bars. This is also due to the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Opening a catering outlet under a franchise will bring income to the owner even after the end of the World Cup. Fast foods remain the most profitable; they are always in trend, since such enterprises do not require large investments, their products are available to the average consumer, who is now focused on average bill at 500 rub. All this guarantees stable profits for the owners.

5. Self-service car washes

Self-service car washes are becoming popular among car owners. About three dozen such car washes have already been opened in Moscow. Since 2014, this service has been in increasing demand, and manufacturers of equipment for such points can make good money. For example, to open a contactless car wash, you need to invest 13–15 million rubles, while the investment will pay off on average in 1.5–2 years, and the profit will be more than 10 million per year. That is, the profitability of the business area is 70%, which is very good.

6. Hotel business and consumer services enterprises

On the eve of the 18 World Cup, in the regions where it is being held, 2-3 star economy class hotels, small motels and various personal services enterprises - dry cleaners, mini-ateliers, etc. will be in demand. Also, against the backdrop of sporting events, fitness clubs, children's sections and other initiatives to maintain athletic shape will be in demand there. The fastest and most convenient way to organize this business in 1.5 years is to open it as a franchise. There is now a demand for such facilities in every Russian region, without exception, including Moscow. Russia has set a course for the development of mass domestic tourism, so investments made in hotels and dry cleaners will pay off quickly.

Over the past two years, they have experienced explosive development in Russian market entertainment. The idea itself came from Asia, but the Russians have already overtaken their founders and occupy leading positions in this area. Russian businessmen have been selling their quest franchises abroad for several years now, where they are incredibly popular. Now in Moscow alone there are about 170 quest industry companies offering approximately 500 scenarios. There are 60 companies and almost 200 outlets in St. Petersburg.

Turnover Russian companies is estimated at 20 billion rubles. in year. Despite the apparent dominance of quests, this industry is very dynamic - in Moscow alone, dozens of new facilities are opened every month, designed for an average of 2000–3000 visits. Investments in opening one room, depending on the demands of the public, can reach 50 million rubles, but average price- 10 million rubles (in Moscow) and 2–3 million in the regions. In the next two to three years, this business as a whole in Russia and the CIS will only gain momentum.

Many people constantly need a product that tends to run out. No, the buyers themselves, of course, dream of extending the life of their purchase as long as possible.

But a perpetual motion machine has not yet been created, so when you run out of medicine/shampoo/product, etc., you have to buy a new one. And a budding entrepreneur should take advantage of this. Therefore, let's look at a few best options, most consistent with the above-mentioned requirement.

People in Russia, no matter how bitter the truth may sound, have been sick, are sick and will continue to be sick. There is no other pill for all ailments, which is why there is such a rich assortment on pharmacy shelves. You can’t build happiness on someone else’s grief, but the pharmacy is very profitable business with investments, and such a business is worth taking a closer look at.

You just need to take into account the location and basic needs of the population in the area.

For example, the demand will be huge in those places where the nearest medicine store is several kilometers away. And we ourselves know that sometimes a tablet of the same painkiller is needed immediately.

Accordingly, if a given area is predominantly inhabited by families with children, the proposal should be consistent with their requests. This includes baby formula, various bottles, and pacifiers with diapers. Keep in mind that the activities of pharmacies are subject to licensing, and the license is issued for a specific premises. And this is a business that is not afraid of a crisis.

Pharmacies have a big advantage - scalability. Having opened 1 small one today, in the future it will not be difficult to open 1,2,3 more in your city or a couple in the neighboring one.

You can open a pharmacy either on your own or, with the second option, the income will be less, but its implementation is much simpler, since the franchisor gives everything you need and teaches you the intricacies and nuances of the business.

2. Medical center

In order not to stray too far from the topic of medications, the second option is to consider opening a medical center. Difficult? Yes, this is not the easiest business idea to implement.

But remember government institutions: most visitors equate them to one of the branches of hell. Why not show those in need of medical care a new format of service? There are no queues, all doctors are extremely correct and professional.

Naturally, the key to success will be choosing a suitable location. Third in a row on the same street honey. the center will clearly be superfluous. But it’s not worth opening it even on the outskirts of the city. You will have to think about a convenient place in advance.

In particular, attention should be paid to transport and walking distance.

3. Funeral services

Even the best medical center does not guarantee immortality. And in the near future, until scientists find the secret of eternal youth, funeral services will be in demand.

The niche is very well developed and filled, but high quality and low prices will make your small business project stand out from its competitors. This promising business, as there are more and more people, and accordingly more die. Death is usually not expected by anyone, so the funeral process itself can hit the budget.

Offer your customers installment plans, discounts, and then the profit will become constant and stable.

4. Car service

Moving away from the sad topic, let's remember about car owners. Many of them simply dote on their vehicles, choosing the best for their four-wheeled friend. It’s worth taking advantage of this and opening a car service center. You should attract customers not only with reasonable prices, but also with good quality and speed of work. A simple business worth starting for a beginner. To start, you need to rent 2 boxes and hire 2 car mechanics.

Important point: It’s better to pay them a percentage of the revenue, usually it’s 50-50, but you can negotiate 60% for yourself, 40 for the master.

5. Car wash

This point could be attributed to the previous good business, which can be opened in both a small and a large city, but we will consider it separately. Not everyone who wants to fix a car wants to wash it. And vice versa. It is worth noting that a car wash requires much less investment.

Therefore, if your starting capital does not allow you to immediately create something large-scale, but you definitely want to work with cars, take a closer look at the option.

It's consistently profitable small business with minimal investment. You can start it with only 200,000 - 300,000 rubles ($4,000), provided you rent a garage or box for this business.

6. Clothing store

All stores have one purpose: to sell goods. But in our case, we will consider several points of sale of different directions. So, what clothes are popular these days? The one who has good quality and low price. By the way, you can open a clothing store with minimal expenses.

For example, it could be a store, stall, pavilion with only men's underwear.

It is desirable that the assortment be presented in both small and large sizes. Also, do not forget about creating several departments at once: for women, men, children. This is a good own business, where the markup on the wholesale price is usually about 300%. Organizing this business is not difficult and no special knowledge is needed.

7. Cosmetics and perfumery store

Cosmetics and perfumes for the fair sex are always a “sweet spot”. To succeed, you should care not only about quality, but also about different price ranges.

8. Grocery store

Yes, yes, we are once again considering the store as a business option. And the grocery point most fully corresponds to what was said at the very beginning: disposable goods are becoming more and more popular.

Choose the good, a suitable location (this is important), open a store, fill the shelves with affordable and excellent quality goods and you can expect a quick payback.

9. Meat and fish store

As in the case of a car wash/car service, we open a meat and fish store separately from the grocery store. Why? Because this way we can offer our customers the richest choice. The entire retail space is dedicated specifically to our meat and fish products. This will allow us to attract buyers and maintain quality at the proper level. This is one that can be opened from scratch.

10. Homemade food store (Natural products)

About 5 years ago there was not one in my city. Now there are already 6 of them. I live in a small town with a population of only 18,000 people. And none of them closed. My friends opened 1 such store 3 years ago. They are doing well and have no plans to close. Products they sell include homemade sour cream, milk, meat, cottage cheese, dumplings, cheese, etc. There is no point in listing the entire assortment, but I will say that it is impressive and the prices are quite high. And even with this picture, there are always clients.

For example. Sour cream for half a kilo costs 250 rubles; regular sour cream in the store is 4 times cheaper. But people buy and are happy.

Another similar store has a large assortment of homemade baked goods: eclairs, various cakes, including Napoleon, a huge number of different dishes and salads, already prepared. There is a demand, people buy because many are too lazy to cook after work.

It is difficult to single out the most profitable business from the above. After all, a lot depends, including on the scale. For example, undoubtedly a meat and fish store of 30 square meters will generate more profit than a pharmacy kiosk of 8 square meters. m. But we’ll try anyway. Based on our experience, the most profitable business today, of the above - pharmacy, honey. center, grocery and clothing store.

The most important choosing the right place, 90% of success for this type of business depends on it.

Before starting your business activity, be sure to draw up a detailed business plan in which you describe everything down to the smallest detail (consider all issues thoroughly). We hope we have answered the question - what kind of business is profitable to do. Good luck to you, dear reader and aspiring businessman!

Business profit is the main criterion by which future businessman chooses a field of activity.

In Russia, we can name several main types, whose profitability is amazing. But in other industries you can achieve financial success if you correctly assess the capabilities of the business environment.

Statistics for 2019

The main contribution to the GDP of any country in the world is made by large business, which accounts for the majority of financial, labor and other resources. In Russia, large businesses account for 70 to 80% of the national GDP, which is a very high figure compared to Western countries.

According to various estimates, the share of medium-sized businesses in Russia accounts for 10 to 12% of GDP. It is quite difficult to accurately identify this figure, since the general indicator is calculated for small and medium-sized businesses, which, by the way, is also quite contradictory. Having averaged data from several sources, such as Rosstat, banking organizations and well-established experts, the indicator for SMEs was determined at the level of 20-30% of the country’s GDP.

At the end of 2013, GDP growth in the Russian Federation amounted to 1.3%, with preliminary forecasts from 1.3 to 3.8% (World Bank). 18,3% The largest share in GDP came from wholesale and retail trade and repairs ( 10,8% ), mining brought

GDP. Maximum profitability was observed in the mining sector (24-33%), and chemical production

(16.7%). In all areas of large business, there was a drop in profitability associated with a decrease in prices and consumption on world markets. The growth of the small and medium segment of the economy amounted to about 0.9% of GDP, although negative trends were observed here too. GDP growth forecasts for 2019 were based on 4.3%, but due to the turbulent geopolitical situation and the general decline

economic indicators

the forecast was lowered to 3.7% (Ministry of Economy) and the IMF lowered its forecasts to 0.9%.

Experts predict industrial growth to be zero; wholesale and retail trade may grow by 2.1%.

In general, the statistics are not very reassuring and in all respects resemble the situation in 2013.

  • By scale Based on its scale, business is divided into three categories: large, medium and small. Large businesses include national and transnational companies with annual turnover over 1 billion rubles.
  • . and staff from 500 people To the middle – regional companies, conducting their business in one or several regions and having in their staff from 50 to 500).
  • people and much smaller financial turnover ( up to 1 billion rubles Small business is 50-100 small firms who have on their staff (depending on the type of activity) up to

people and annual turnover -

up to 500 million rubles

Big business In large business, oil and gas companies continue to be the most profitable. They are followed by large transport, chemical and metallurgical enterprises and banking enterprises.

Over the past few years, the profitability of these types of activities has been slowly but surely declining.

Some enterprises have crossed the profitability threshold in the opposite direction and were forced to close. This is due to the heavy dependence on demand and prices on world markets, which have fallen rapidly over the past couple of years.

Medium business

The most profitable medium-sized companies are rightfully considered to be communications, construction and transport companies, as well as companies working in the marketing and advertising services sector.

Recently, the healthcare industry has been rapidly approaching them, or rather the segment of private clinics, which show an average profitability of 10-15%.

Stable good performance Retail and wholesale trade in consumer goods are also exhibited.

Small business

In the small business segment it is difficult to single out separate species activities that can be considered the most profitable. Since the profitability indicators of many of them are very close.

Still, construction, installation and repair work are considered the most profitable; according to some data, their profitability can reach 80-90%.

Also highly profitable is the segment of public catering and consumption, consulting services ( 16,5%) . According to Forbes magazine, this also includes the services of chiropractors, dentists, as well as accounting and legal services, which have an average level of profitability within 13,5 – 16% .

To summarize, we can say that the basis of small business is the sphere of private services, which is the most profitable.

Business profitability depending on location

The size of the settlement cannot be ignored. It is clear that it is almost impossible to achieve the same heights in the same type of activity in Moscow and Tula. Experts have compiled their rating of the most profitable enterprises at different city levels.

In the metropolis

Megacities are characterized by a greater turnover of money and a higher standard of living, which also affects the profitability of various types of activities.

An important distinguishing feature of business in large cities is the very high level of competition.

Both large and small businesses are very well developed here.

To the most profitable types entrepreneurial activity relate:

  • Construction and real estate work.
  • Sales of services in various fields.
  • Trade and catering.

The best profitability indicators are demonstrated by small companies providing services:

  • private audit,
  • private medicine (including cosmetology and dentistry),
  • accounting and tax calculations,
  • lawyer and notary offices,
  • small lending.

It is difficult to gain public success in big cities. Image means a lot here - it must be crystal clear. It is difficult to start in such conditions; impressive capital is required (even for a small enterprise).

In a small town

The profitability of a business in a small city can differ significantly from its counterparts in large populated areas.

For comparison: a fast food outlet in Moscow brings its owner about 3 million rubles. per year, and the same establishment in Belgorod earns no more than 100 thousand.

It all depends on the standard of living of the population, regional mentality, and competitive intensity in each specific city.

However, for almost all regions, the construction and repair and installation business, as well as funeral services, traditionally have good profitability. Over the past few years, there has been a constant increase in demand for private consulting services in the regions, which are characterized by high profitability and very small starting investments

, which makes it very interesting for budding businessmen.

In the village The situation with the standard of living in rural areas

still remains at a very low level. Therefore, business related to the provision of services is either not in demand here at all, or is demonstrating record low profitability. Traditionally, good profitability indicators remain in agriculture and small trade.

True, the trade niche has mostly already been occupied and there is no point in entering into competition with old-timers, but the products of small farms and crop production are in very good demand, thanks to trends towards a healthy lifestyle among the urban population.

Seasonal factor

When to start your own business is also an important question. Some activities have a very pronounced seasonality. Let's look at the most popular and profitable seasonal businesses.

In summer

Summer is a period of vacations, relaxation and not always justified spending of money. Almost all businessmen know this principle and use it.

The profitability level of summer businesses can reach up to 200%.

The first place in the list of the most profitable summer activities is taken by off-site sales of ice cream, kvass, beer and souvenirs. The level of income from such a point depends on a single factor - a good location. The more advantageous it is located, the higher the markup and the more sales. Also very The highest incomes are observed in resort areas and public recreation areas near large cities.

in winter

There are also ones for the winter period seasonal species business. Their profitability is correspondingly higher than average, as in any seasonal business.

These types of activities include:

  • Snow removal (with and without special equipment).
  • Organization of entertainment (snowmobiling, skiing, snowboarding, slides, open-air skating rinks).
  • Trade in hot drinks and fast food (pies, hot dogs, etc.)

The profitability of winter types of business is still inferior to their summer counterparts and ranges from 30 to 60%.

The location of the business is also important here, but this dependence is not as strong as in summer period, and business is linked mainly to large and medium-sized cities.

Rating of business ideas by gender

It is no secret that the attitude of women and men to choosing a business and its development is not the same. Although recently the gender factor has lost its relevance, differences still remain.

For women

Women have a more subtle perception of the world around them, better taste and greater perseverance than men. As a rule, a lady who decides to start a business rarely owns start-up capital, but has enviable persistence in achieving her goal. Therefore, the rating of business ideas is based on these advantages.

Among the private business options that do not require large initial investments and are the easiest to implement, women are more suitable:

  • Providing design services for interior planning in a private house, apartment, and arrangement of garden plots.
  • Making original decorations for home, cottage, body jewelry self made(so called hand made, which has become very popular in recent years).
  • Freelancing (earning money on the Internet) – working with texts, photographs, design.
  • Making culinary products (cakes, cookies) and home-cooked dishes at home.
  • Nowadays, residents of big cities devote almost all their time to work and eat fast food, which everyone is tired of and is harmful to their health. Therefore, this type of service such as catering can be in great demand.
  • Production and sale through online stores of clothing, linen, bedding.

This does not mean that women can only earn money through manual, light work. The mental resources of the female business representatives are also in great demand. For example, a lady will be able to open and manage an accounting agency with greater ease.

For men

The most best ideas businesses for men are associated with those jobs that, by virtue of physical features can only be performed by men, or those that are more effective when performed by men. They are also the most profitable, if done correctly.

These include:

  • “Husband for an Hour” services, specializing in minor household repairs.
  • Auto repair shops (from garage repairs to large service stations).
  • Consulting services.
  • Minor installation, repair and construction services.
  • Freelancing (copywriting, website development and promotion).

All of these activities have fairly high profitability, and most do not require capital investments, or even involves starting from scratch. The main requirement at the start of these types of activities is good qualifications and level of knowledge in the chosen direction.

However, you should not select an activity solely based on gender characteristics. It all depends on the personal characteristics of a particular person. No one can answer with certainty who is better able to cope with the role of a leader, for example, or retail network shops. It is worth putting in first place own experience and awareness of the industry of interest.

international experience

International experience and trends in the country’s economy show that in the coming years the profitability of large businesses and its share in the country’s total GDP will decrease significantly, while the segment of medium and small businesses is expected to grow. But in the long term, the profitability of all types of business will decrease, this is due to increasing competition in all areas of activity.

The profitability indicators in the most developed countries are thought-provoking. Today, the average profitability of large US businesses is about 15%, and in the EU this figure is at the level 7-8% . At the same time, the profitability of small businesses is accordingly 25% in the USA and 16% in Europe.

The share of GDP that comes from small and medium business, is within 50-60%, which has a very good effect on the economy, because small businesses are not so dependent on prices for foreign markets and more flexible in times of crisis.

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Forecast: which business will be the most profitable in the near future?

In Russia, in the coming years, the most profitable business will remain related to production and refining in the oil and gas industry. In the field of medium and small businesses, there is a noticeable trend in the growth of the share and profitability of service sector businesses (especially consulting, auditing, medical services), the niche of vending services (sales from a machine) remains half filled.

It is also worth noting business on the Internet, which demonstrates enormous growth rates and has great untapped potential in the markets of the CIS countries.

Experts expect growth in the call center segment, the production and sale of natural products, and Internet intermediation. So we can safely say that, despite working in a crisis, small and medium-sized businesses will grow and develop.

Choosing a field of work based solely on profitability indicators will not bear the expected fruits. If you are completely unfamiliar with the structure of the car. There's no point in opening a car repair shop. It is better to establish a mini-bakery, the technology of which was understood at a young age.

The main conclusion that a future businessman should draw from this article is this: those who work hard in a familiar field and never stop learning new things earn millions.

Every aspiring businessman thinks about how best to optimize his income.

After all, no one will ever agree to spend their time and money on a project that is obviously unpromising.

What areas of entrepreneurship are most relevant and profitable today always remain on the agenda.

What you need to know before opening

Factors you should know before starting your own business:

  1. Compose detailed plan expenses that will have to cover the initial cash investment.
  2. Take into account the possibility of competition. For example, the less locality, the less competition, but at the same time, the less possible sales volume.
  3. Choose the type of business in which the entrepreneur is most knowledgeable.

Before choosing a field of future activity, it is worth highlighting key factors that determine its profitability:

  • Time interval for returning initially invested Money.
  • The chosen area of ​​business must necessarily be characterized by great demand from consumers.
  • Acceptable level of profitability. Profitability should increase in parallel with the volume of goods or services sold.
  • Low price threshold at which the purchase of materials and raw materials contribute to increasing profitability.
  • Positive return on assets.

To implement a small business, minimal labor resources and funds are required. For example, you can gather your friends and start cleaning apartments and making repairs. You can also open an inexpensive fast food restaurant, kiosk or bar.

Not long ago, network marketing was in demand, operating on the principle of selling a product or service directly to the consumer, bypassing intermediaries, which significantly reduced costs and increased profits.

A striking example network marketing is the space company Oriflame.

Most profitable small business 2016

The overwhelming number of professional analysts agree that the most profitable and profitable type of business is construction, consumption and catering.

The most promising features have repair, installation and construction works. Profitability within such a business can reach 100 percent of the cost.

  1. Beauty and health. Beauty services have always been an equally profitable area of ​​business. Every person wants to be not just healthy, but also beautiful. Today, the business of providing beauty services is in demand and highly paid. People of all financial abilities and ages will always spend money to maintain their health and beauty. This is why massage parlors and hairdressers are so popular.
  2. Construction sector. As mentioned above, one of the most beneficial types business in Russia is construction and installation work. This is explained primarily by the growth of the real estate market and the coverage of a wide range of activities. One of the advantages of this type of business activity is the minimum financial threshold. For example, if funds to open construction company is not enough, then you can form a team of professionals and gradually expand the list of services it provides. If you have significant funds, you can safely build real estate.
  3. Trade in food products. No less popular and profitable is the satisfaction of primary human needs - nutrition. It is best to start trading in a residential area, in which there are no retail outlets that can have any significant competitive impact. If there are no large investment opportunities, you can open a small stall, gradually expanding the assortment and, as a result, sales volume. Having collected enough money, you can safely open a grocery store or a small restaurant. The most important thing in this business area is the correct selection of suppliers.

Women are trying more and more to realize themselves in entrepreneurial activity and they are doing well at it. become successful. Where to start and which areas to choose?

Read about how to open your own cafe. How to choose a location and what documents you need to have.

If you have experience working with children and you like it, you can open a private kindergarten. Iui l detailed information about the nuances of business and how much you can earn.

Top 20 most promising areas

In the overwhelming majority of cases, medium and small businesses form the basis of the entire state economy.

The reason for this is low costs and considerable profits.

True, the success of an entrepreneur largely depends on his preparedness and the field of business in which he decided to act.

Let's highlight the top most profitable businesses:

  1. Private audit companies. Average profitability – 16.5 percent.
  2. Chiropractors. Profitability at 15.3 percent.
  3. Clinics (specialized). Profitability within 15 percent.
  4. Services of professional accountants. The average yield is 14.9 percent.
  5. Private dental clinics. The yield is within 14.7 percent.
  6. Tax calculations. Profitability up to 14.7 percent.
  7. Dentist-orthodontist. The services of these specialists provide a profitability of 14.4 percent.
  8. The layer's services. The average yield hovers at 13.4 percent.
  9. Lending individuals. The average profitability is 13.3 percent.
  10. Financial management (private services). Yield up to 12.2 percent.
  11. Drilling gas and oil wells. The profitability rate is 12 percent.
  12. Glass selection specialists. The yield level is within 11.5 percent.
  13. Renting housing and unnecessary premises. The average profit margin is 11.3 percent.
  14. Grade real estate. The yield is around 11.3 percent.
  15. Renting storage rooms or small warehouses. Profit up to 11 percent.
  16. Insurance agencies. The yield level is within 11 percent.
  17. Credit intermediaries. Profit up to 10.7 percent.
  18. Consultants for investment projects. The yield is around 10.7 percent.
  19. Audiologists and speech therapists. The profitability rate is within 10.6 percent.
  20. Private therapist services. Profit up to 10.4 percent.

No less profitable is the creation of small child care institutions. As a result of the current shortage of places in many state kindergartens, small development groups, children's clubs and private kindergartens are in great demand.

What type of business is the most profitable?

One of the most relevant areas small business in Russia is the provision of advertising services. Business owners are willing to pay a lot of money to conduct a competent and creative marketing campaign.

In the realities of today market economy– advertising is what is most relevant.

An example of a small business - your own bakery

To begin with, you can limit yourself to the services of posting advertisements, creating various booklets and business cards, etc. Everything directly depends on the initial financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

There are other most profitable types of business. An equally relevant type of business, and at all times, is the sale of services and consumer goods. People will always need food, clothing and various entertainment services. True, it is worth remembering that the higher the popularity of the chosen area of ​​​​business, the higher the competition will be and, as a result, the greater the difficulties in increasing turnover.


If you don’t want to come up with something new and creative, you can always pay attention to the simplest areas of small business. In particular:

  • Growing products with their subsequent sale in markets or large retail chains;
  • Creation of exclusive dishes and drinks that can be sold through your own online store. Similar products can also be supplied to various offices and restaurants as business lunches.

True, it is worth remembering that the simpler the chosen business, the less profit they bring. In order to determine for yourself the most acceptable type of business (in terms of profitability and profitability), and in the future open your own successful business project, which is guaranteed to generate profit for short term time, everything needs to be carefully thought out and calculated.

Video on the topic

Any conversation about profitable Russian business begins with discussions on the topic of excess profits in the mining industry. Of course, the most profitable business in Russia is gas and oil production. But this is a closed territory into which the average businessman is barred from entering. However, few Russian entrepreneurs give up for the sole reason that they do not have access to excess profits. For active businessmen in Russia there are now a lot of opportunities to receive from 15 to 20% of the invested capital, and such investments allow you to earn good money every month.

What is profitability and how to calculate it

If an entrepreneur plans to independently study commercial proposals for organizing and opening a business, he should learn to determine which business is highly profitable and which may cause losses.

The first step is to study the profitability of the selected type of business according to data statistical reporting, which can be found freely available online.

Profitability data for 2017 for some industries:

  • retail trade in food products – 7.5-8%;
  • wholesale trade of manufactured goods – 7-7.5%;
  • construction (see) – 5.5%;
  • food production – 10%;
  • catering business – 6,5%;
  • – 16,5%.

These indicators are the ratio between the annual financial result and cost of goods/services sold. The numbers are a bit low, but they give an idea of ​​the current trends.

The second step is to study potentially profitable ideas, available for sale, on efficiency (profitability). To determine this indicator, an entrepreneur must know the amount of investment he plans to make in the business and the expected expenses (the more accurate the expense figure, the more accurate the profitability indicator will be).

Learn more about what profitability is and how it is calculated in the video:

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Analysis of profitable types of business

Judging by statistical data, the most profitable types of business are agriculture, food production and food retail. And these figures fully correspond to the actual state of affairs on the market.


In turn, the most profitable business in agriculture is considered to be poultry farming and dairy farming. These are two types of activities that will allow an entrepreneur to use his investments with maximum efficiency.

Today, making money in rural areas has become easier thanks to the development of agricultural technology, biochemistry and the general growth of networks for the purchase and sale of agricultural products. Useful to read.

In addition, a farmer can always count on state support (see,). Assistance is also provided in the form of preferential loans, free participation in exhibitions and fairs, and privileged promotion of products domestic manufacturer On the market.

It is useful to know what it is. What is required to open a small family farm and what income you can expect.

In the piggy bank for beginning entrepreneurs: approximate.

All about what you need to organize. Preparing conditions for keeping birds, choosing a breed for breeding, care features, as well as planning expenses and income.

Food production

The most profitable production for small businesses is food production. The top three include bakeries, confectionery shops and home-made fast food.

This profitable business can be started with minimal investment and gradually expand to larger production volumes. Despite the seeming abundance of homemade and exclusive baked goods, this business niche is still considered to be only half developed, and therefore current entrepreneurs have every chance to succeed in this area.

To determine how profitable a bakery or confectionery business will be in a particular region, it is necessary to conduct marketing research and study consumer interest in new types of baked goods and new brands.

Grocery retail

This is also not the easiest business. But having invested once, an entrepreneur can work in this direction for a very long time, gradually enlarging his enterprise.

It is believed that a grocery store is the most profitable business for small town, in which there are no huge markets of all-Russian retailers and buyers are not so spoiled by new food products.

Useful to read. Opening budget, selection and preparation of premises, purchase of equipment, production planning.

Interesting material on the topic: how to set it up in your region.

Estimated amount of investment in a profitable business

No matter how profitable a business idea may seem in the reports and analyzes of market experts, it will never work if a sufficient amount of investment is not invested in it.

As already mentioned, statistical profitability Agriculture– about 16.5%. That is, by investing 1 million rubles in a business, an entrepreneur will be able to make a profit of 165 thousand rubles.

But for a small farm such investments are not affordable at the initial stage. A beginning agricultural enterprise can invest no more than 500 thousand rubles in its product and, accordingly, will receive a benefit of about 80 thousand rubles. Investing less is unprofitable.

On a note! If profits continue to be invested in the business, then in two to three years the enterprise will be able to achieve a million-dollar turnover.

For bakery enterprise size minimum investment- about 300 thousand rubles. For this money you can buy baking equipment and organize sales of the product. With a monthly investment of 200 thousand rubles in raw materials and labor costs, the entrepreneur will have a profit of about 25 thousand rubles.

Retail store in a small town will cost a beginning entrepreneur 2.5-3 million rubles. With sales volumes of about 500 thousand rubles per month, the entrepreneur will be able to make a profit of 40 thousand rubles. Useful to read.

The Difficulties of Running a Profitable Business

Profitable business ideas for small businesses are dangerous because high interest rates are not always stable. Every business venture goes through periods of financial ups and downs. An entrepreneur who has invested in an idea with a high return on investment often ignores the need to form a reserve fund and an enterprise development fund. This is a mistake that should not be made.

To maintain high profitability of the enterprise, it is necessary to constantly invest money in the following areas:

  • search and development of new offers or product items;
  • development of a sales network;
  • marketing promotion product to the market.

Without this work, profitability indicators will drop sharply, so you should not rely only on them, but rather focus on your own efforts to work in one or another business area.

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