SEO copywriting - what is it? High-quality SEO copywriting is impossible without knowledge of the topic. Relevance to search queries

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about copywriting, but not in the general sense of the word, but in relation to (now it’s useless to use). In general, of course, the word copywriter, in its basic interpretation, means writing advertising texts or slogans and is consonant with the word, although it means something completely different.

But very often SEO copywriting refers to writing optimized texts for websites or even just writing texts, including to order (for money). In general, I associate the word copywriter with those who write texts for various commercial sites or for GS (bad sites). Usually he is given a technical specification in the form of the desired volume of text and the desired density of occurrence of the necessary keywords.

SEO copywriting - what is it and where to start

But again, in this article I don’t want to write about how good or, conversely, how bad life is for a copywriter in RuNet. No, today I want to talk about my own experience SEO copywriting , which I have been doing for a little over two years now. More precisely, I started doing it only about a year ago, but still.

So what do I mean by this term? For me, this is not at all writing articles according to technical specifications for a small fee for some “uncle”, but writing optimized texts for my own project. It seems to me that this is a much more profitable and, most importantly, more promising occupation.

Many copywriters will disagree with me, because any new project It won’t start to pay off right away (I think that it will take a year to build up in any case before it will be possible), but you will always want to eat.

But copywriting, with the proper ability to “handle the pen,” can almost immediately begin to bring you income, but it will be momentary and one-time (and perhaps not high enough). If you want more money, write more articles and give them to your “uncle” for pennies.

If you create your own project (where you yourself will act as the author), the text you once write can bring very tangible income that, as a rule, increases over time. Here you are both the “uncle” and the copywriter rolled into one.

This, of course, complicates things somewhat, because in addition to the basics of copywriting, you will also need to master the basics of webmastering (check out the materials on or), as well as the basics of optimization art (), because without readers the idea of ​​making money on a website will become a utopia. Difficult? Without a doubt, but quite feasible, and, moreover, by the efforts of only one single person (even such an “old and stupid guy” as)

Copywriters are not born. Don't write texts literary language Most people can do it—you just have to start and don’t stop. Each time it will turn out better and better, and most importantly, you won’t have to spend so much time, because the skills will be developed.

But there is one “but” that many people neglect - copywriting is impossible without touch typing skills (it personally helped me at one time).

No matter what anyone tells you, if you type with only two fingers and look at the keyboard, then You won’t earn much from copywriting(both in the case of working for an “uncle” and in the case of working for a loved one). The thought must materialize on the screen in the form of letters on its own, so that you are not distracted or confused by anything, otherwise it will be very, very difficult.

At school, I never received more than a C for essays, because I wrote much more slowly than I thought, and the damned “innate illiteracy” made me think only about simplifying sentences, and not about the optimal and laconic presentation of phrases and phrases flying through my head. In general, no touch typing It will be difficult to become a copywriter, and that's putting it mildly.

I'm afraid that I've already intimidated you and you're thinking, why not start buying texts for your future project from professionals (for example, from Advego, or), or, at worst, from beginners (luckily, this is not very expensive).

Yes, there are all the advantages here. The texts will become absolutely unique, because you will check them on services specially designed for this (for example, in the program). In addition, they will already be optimized for what you need and will be written in good human language (). This, of course, is in the case of choosing a good copywriter, but still.

Become a copywriter yourself or do GS?

All you have to do is keep the site in good condition technical condition(technical), and buy links to those articles that copywriters will supply you. Although, on the contrary, many are starting all this so that they can then sell links from these articles. Both can be done in the services I described earlier:

  1. MiraLinks, described
  2. GoGetLinks— read about the nuances of working with it
  3. GetGoodLinks— description of the possibility of purchasing links from pages with PR (high static weight)
  4. RotaPostfull review exchange opportunities

Everything is great, but... This way you will make a GS, although very similar to a SDL (site for people), but still a GS (r... site). Why?

Because the texts of your articles will not contain the main reason for which they should be published - to give something useful and necessary to the reader. This is the main quality by which one can distinguish GS from SDL. The first is only a tool for generating income and nothing more, and SDL, in addition to income, also has the goal of being useful to readers.

I am firmly convinced that you cannot make SDL by purchasing texts from professional copywriters. True, you can, of course, buy articles from specialists not in the field of copywriting, but in the field that the author writes about, but this will be an exclusive, which is very, very expensive, which a novice webmaster simply cannot afford.

Therefore, if you want to do SDL, then think of yourself as the main copywriter, or look for such people among your partners. Convinced? Persuaded? Are you sending me to hell? Well, okay, then I’ll say a few more words for the SDL and against the GS, and also in favor of do your own copywriting on your website.

Have you heard about the AGS filter in Yandex? And about the harsh attitude of the Panda algorithm in Google towards all sorts of resources that are useless to users? They probably heard something (something). How do you think search engines find bad sites, which they then mow down without pity? And visitors tell them this by their behavior in search results and on the site itself - these are the so-called ones, which are now more relevant than ever.

If your GS is not yet under the filter, then it is only a matter of time, because for search engines such resources are like a bone in the throat, which they will definitely cough up. Why? And the answer lies in another question - why is most HS done? That's right, mainly for selling links.

Well, not only does this hinder search engines from doing the right thing, but it also hurts their pockets (takes away potential clients at contextual advertising and Google AdWords). GS are doomed just as the doorways were doomed in their time.

So let's take our feet in our hands and begin do copywriting for your projects yourself. But having become a copywriter, you will still have to follow a number of basic rules that will allow you to make your texts not only useful to readers, but also attractive and understandable to search engines. What am I talking about? About SEO optimization of texts, of course, which is needed by SDL no less, and often even more, than a commercial site or GS. Why?

Yes, because texts are the main weapon that information resource. Your articles, well optimized for search engines, can make their way to the Top in not very competitive ones.

And if, in addition to SEO copywriting, when writing texts you also use your ability to make them interesting and useful for readers, then their behavior on your site will allow you to gain a permanent foothold in the Top of search engines due to good behavioral factors. What do you think of these arguments?

Reinforced concrete and tested for own experience. Well, if, in addition to your talent as a copywriter, you also discover your talent as an optimizer, then success will not be long in coming (two years is not a long time, right, right?).

You write texts - the nuances of SEO copywriting

First, I want to once again emphasize the priority of content creation over all your other website responsibilities. First comes copywriting, which for me, for example, takes up the lion's share of all the time that I am able to devote to the site, and only then, on a residual basis, I do webmastering, promotion and analytics (if you can call it analytics).

And this will be practically true.

Now there are about 300 articles on my blog and, probably, about eighty percent of them I can say that writing them was not easy for me. At my core, I am a novice webmaster, a novice copywriter and a novice optimizer, so before I write about anything, I carefully study the topic so that after writing I can say that I understood and comprehended everything myself (remember, as in the good old joke about the teacher University - I explained it three times, I understood it myself, but you just won’t understand). This requires spending a lot, and often even a lot of time.

If you understand the topic you plan to write about well and in detail, then it will be much easier for you. But still, for a well-designed and understandable article, you, as a copywriter, will have to work hard. There is no way without this, unless you are a special person, out of the ordinary.

Okay, now about subtleties of SEO copywriting(text optimization) should be talked about. Let me try to put it all in the form of a list, because this way the information is often better perceived:

    Divide the text into paragraphs, which in turn are separated from each other by one blank line. In pure Html, this will be done for you, but in regular HTML, just add an empty line when writing an article in the visual editor. Why is this so important?

    Search engines love structured texts that use headings not only at the H1 level (it should be the only one on the page), but also H2, and, if necessary, H3 and lower ().

    It is advisable to use in the text, insert images into the text (tag) and possibly video, for example, using built-in frames based on the element or using . Bare text will be perceived worse not only by readers, but by search engines.

    Prepare and think ahead for your future article. “Why” - you ask? Yes, because you will need to first understand what words and phrases your potential readers use to frame their questions to search engines (on the topic of your future article, of course).

    You can arrogantly rely on your sixth sense as a natural copywriter, but why take the risk? Well, write an article for the archive without getting your hands dirty with the selection of keywords in Yandex Wordstat. And for whom will this make it easier? To you?

    Or for those suffering to find an answer and search engine users who have not found it? In general, take pride in the furnace and go ahead to master the wisdom of smart copywriting and.

  1. So, dear novice copywriters, you have compiled a semantic core, now you write down all search queries as their frequency of requests in search engines decreases. Those. Place the highest frequencies at the top, and low frequencies at the bottom. For what? I keep this list (on the screen) before my eyes when writing an article, and depending on the frequency, I try to use certain keywords in the text.

    I remind you once again - the level Search Engine IQ is equal to the development level of a five-year-old child (and hopelessly lags behind the development level of an SEO copywriter), so you need to focus the attention of search engines on keywords by the frequency of their mention in the text (literally take them by the hand and let them down, otherwise the search engines themselves will not understand).

    So, let's mention that it wouldn't be bad keep the reader's attention on the article. At least highlighting in bold those key points of the article that can attract the eye, arouse curiosity and encourage reading. This is difficult, and as a beginner copywriter I almost never succeed, but you can do it.

Copywriting and SEO optimization of article texts

There are several places in the text of the article where the SEO copywriter will definitely have to mention the keywords for which he wants to attract visitors from search engines. Do you know them? You probably know, but I’ll repeat myself.

    Everything else except the Title is optional, but desirable. You probably understand that a copywriter should distribute keywords evenly throughout the text, and not collect them all in one paragraph. I try to use one key per paragraph, but it doesn’t always work out that way.

    In addition, keywords must be used not only as a direct occurrence, but also necessarily in other word forms (cases, numbers, genders, etc.), and phrases can be diluted with other words commonly used in the Russian language, otherwise your text optimization may be considered by search engines like spam, which is fraught with consequences.

    Title of the article. Very often it is also used in common website engines as a Title, unless you manually enter the title for this particular article. Many copywriters advise making attractive headlines using marketing tricks in them, and numbers also work very well, for example, “7 rules of copywriting for success,” etc.

    But if the title of the article is used as the Title, then you will need to include keywords in it in descending order of their frequency. It turns out to be a contradiction - the keys at the beginning of the title will allow the copywriter to get to the Top of the search results, but marketing headlines will allow you to attract more visitors from the search engine results. Each copywriter solves this dilemma differently. Personally, I first insert the keys into the Title, and only then add something “from the evil one.”

  1. Question about density of keys in the text Now it’s not relevant for copywriting, but I try not to cross the threshold of 1% of the key from the total number of words. I check the density here - .

  2. Text length. In general, again, there are no clear restrictions, but the copywriter must take two things into account. Text that is too short will not make it to the Top and, moreover, pages with a small number of words may be excluded from the search engine index. Why?

    And you look at the source code of the page and compare the size of the body kit (header, footer, sidebar) and the text that is on the page. If it is lost against the background of the body kit, then such a volume will most likely be unpromising.

    The other extreme is texts that are too long. Personally, I love them not only as a copywriter, but also as a connoisseur of the masterpieces of other authors. In the case of a large article, I will at least scroll through it and look through it diagonally, but I close short ones immediately. But that's just IMHO.

    Another thing is that search engines probably correlate the time spent on a web page and the length of the article. Therefore, a copywriting product that is too long but uninteresting can worsen behavioral factors.

  3. About headings H1, H2, etc. I already mentioned. It would be a good idea if you, as a copywriter, remember to use keywords in them. Not all the keys at once in one heading, but distributing them according to the logic of the narrative.
  4. Logical formatting tags have already lost their importance for search engines due to their shameless spamming by copywriters. But nevertheless, I don’t think it’s superfluous to highlight other keywords in the text with these tags, trying to do this in the place where it would be logical to apply highlighting to attract the attention of readers. Stupidly highlighting all the keys in the text will be bad manners (see) and will not lead to anything good.
  5. There is a trick that has been used by copywriters for a long time and which, it seems to me, still works to this day. I'm talking about mentioning keywords in (pictures). I added direct occurrences there, but you can’t overdo it, because its contents will be visible when you hover the mouse over the picture, which can instill doubts in readers about the author’s sanity (one thing in the picture, but another in the tooltip). And the search may consider it spam.

I read the article carefully and concluded that all the advice given in it is much more focused on attracting readers from among the subscribers of the site’s RSS feed, from among the readers in the group social network or from the number, but there is practically no bias towards attracting readers from search engines.

I thought this was very strange, because Mikhail himself can only command respect from Google and Yandex results. Why such disregard for search traffic in the article? No, of course, and besides SEO, there is search traffic, which in any case will be more reliable and durable (work for the future). Strange.

But nevertheless, I would still like to comment on the 12 types of posts that, based on my own experience, Mikhail advises using. So, 12 tips on the basics of copywriting from Mikhail Shakin with my modest comments (may the respected author not be offended by me):

  1. Detailed lessons, manuals and instructions. Well, it would be strange if I did not agree with Mikhail - most of my articles can be summed up under these definitions. Yes, it works, but manuals take up a lot of time, which is why RuNet is not replete with them.
  2. The surge in traffic will be momentary (but the hoster can easily block your site for high load, and you will need to think about this in advance) and will subside very quickly. And it’s hardly worth expecting traffic from search engines for such articles, because the photos will probably not be original, but taken from other resources. You can get into trouble because of this.

    But if the photos are your own and the necessary and unique Alt and Title are assigned to them, then I think that such articles can be a worthy alternative or addition to copywriting (you can get a noticeable influx of visitors).

    Articles in which the author (copywriter) shares his experience, for example, the same reports on experiments carried out on the Devaki blog. Of course, they will attract the attention of subscribers from the Rss feed (are you using it?), followers on Twitter, users from thematic and non-thematic social networks.

    But in terms of search engine optimization, this may not be great, because the topic of the experiment will not always be able to fit the frequency of search queries. But, as they say, Seo is not the only copywriter alive. Such articles are needed not only by readers, but will also help the site in promotion and promotion, because backlinks can be placed on them, and they will bring fame to the author.

  3. Illustrations. At this point, Mikhail once again confirms what I have already stated above - search engines love illustrated texts. But, of course, such texts are loved not only by search engines, but also by readers. It has been absolutely reliably studied that pure text without images is much inferior to illustrated text in terms of retaining the reader’s attention and in the ease of mastering the work of a copywriter.
  4. Articles on controversial topics. Again, without proper search engine optimization, they will bring only a momentary effect, but no one forbids you to look into Yandex Wordstat...

    There will probably be a lot of comments on such posts, the texts of which (if you have not closed them from) can also affect the ranking of the document in search results. I observed on my blog that an article hit the Top for a low-frequency query, despite the fact that one word from the query was contained only in the comment.

  5. The eighth type of articles according to Mikhail’s classification refers to offtopic, i.e. when a copywriter writes not on the topic of the site, but about something far from it. On the forums this is called flooding. But flooding is often very, very interesting (I read all of Mikhail’s articles about America and enjoyed it)... I avoid pure off-topic stuff.
  6. Answers to readers' questions. In this case, posts become mega popular, but again only in terms of attracting readers not from search engines. But it will be almost impossible to optimize such texts with questions and answers for search engines. Here the SEO copywriter must certainly step on the throat of his own song.

    Why don’t I have articles answering readers’ questions? Do you think I'm not ready to sacrifice? I’m ready, especially since I went a little too far about the sacrifice. Answers to readers' questions can give a lot of new subscribers and fans, and this compensates for the potential lack of search traffic. I’m just modest and shy, and readers’ questions are very difficult. Let the pros (Sergei Sosnovsky, Ashmanov’s team) do this, and I’ll modestly stand on the sidelines, kicking my leg.

    Interviews with famous people. Here the situation in terms of search engine promotion is absolutely the same as in the previous paragraph (although somehow you can still try to insert keys into your questions). But, perhaps, the success of an interview very much depends on who exactly the copywriter takes it from. I have only had a little experience interviewing with, and

    I even gave an interview once, but this was perhaps the first and last experience, because usually I refuse, but I could not refuse Andrei Morkovin.

  7. Mikhail’s eleventh point, it seems to me, copies the first.
  8. Series of articles. This is where, in my opinion, there is a contradiction between the copywriter’s desire to interest readers in following new publications on the site (subscribe to RSS) and spreading the search query between several pages.

    If, when copywriting, you can avoid the second (dividing the keys between articles), then there will be benefit from a series of articles, otherwise I would refrain from this (I subsequently had to combine articles several times using 301 redirects).

Well, my little one has come to an end. note on the topic of copywriters and copywriting. I hope I was able to answer to a certain extent the question “what is it and how is it done” using my own example and the example of the respected Mikhail Shakin. Have you read the article up to this point? Amazing. Thank you for this and good luck.

The activity of writing SEO texts for search engine optimization of websites is SEO copywriting. These articles should not be in robot-only form. Effective SEO text is competent, unique and at the same time interesting for site visitors. The difference from advertising and informational articles is the presence of a larger number of keywords and phrases. Only text that meets these criteria is considered professional. Some services on the Internet where you can get training help you achieve this level of skill in SEO copywriting.

What is SEO copywriting

This is the name given to a copywriter’s activity of writing high-quality texts and optimizing them, which ensures website promotion to the top positions in search results. This definition is closer to the true meaning of SEO-copywriting. The abbreviation SEO is derived from the English phrase “search engine optimization”, the translation of which is “search engine optimization”.

You can understand SEO copywriting at simple example: The site owner seeks to increase his own income from advertising or direct sales of his business’s products. To do this, he needs to increase traffic to his resource. This can be done by:

The latter method is more in demand today, because competent SEO copywriting is not so expensive. It allows you to quickly promote a resource to the TOP of search engine results. The main tasks of SEO copywriting are:

  • increase website traffic;
  • attract target audience;
  • increase the information content and popularity of the site;
  • ensure that a unique article reaches the top lines of search results.

Specific terms and concepts

Articles are written by SEO copywriters. They are required to possess SEO optimization skills, which indicate highly qualified specialists. A professional who knows SEO copywriting, as it is sometimes called, “SEO specialist,” must understand the peculiarities of writing such articles and the algorithms of specific search engines. He also requires the ability to write competently and interestingly. An SEO copywriter should know the following basic concepts:

  1. Semantic core. This is a set of phrases and words that must be included in a future article.
  2. Uniqueness. Reflects the percentage of agreement between the information in the article and other sources.
  3. Spammed. This SEO copywriting criterion reflects the ratio of the number of duplicate keys to the volume of the entire article.
  4. Nausea. The percentage of frequently repeated words in the text.
  5. Water. Represents words and phrases that have nothing to do with the topic of the text.
  6. Meta tags. This is part of the page's code that is not visible to the average user. It affects how sites rank in search results.
  7. Key phrases. These are phrases that people enter more often in searches. There are 3 types of key occurrences:
  • direct entry– keywords and phrases are separated only by commas or colons;
  • exact occurrence– keys are entered only in the form indicated in terms of reference;
  • diluted entry– it is allowed to add other words to the key phrase.

Signs of SEO-optimized content

Writing optimized articles in SEO copywriting is not a very simple task. Just the ability to express your thoughts beautifully is not enough. Against the background of competent writing, you need to carefully and not too clearly distribute key phrases and words throughout the text. In addition, each customer has a number of requirements that must also be met. Professional SEO text is considered to be one that meets the following criteria:

  • written correctly;
  • stated in simple language;
  • structured;
  • including all the necessary key phrases;
  • unique;
  • with low levels of “water” and “nausea”.

Writing Requirements

SEO copywriting begins with defining the topic of the article. It should be interesting and relevant. Most customers also provide a ready-made technical specification, which contains the topic and other requirements for the article. They relate to key phrases, structure, uniqueness, “water” and “nausea” of text content. For each of these criteria, there are certain values ​​that must be adhered to when writing an article.

Key queries

Based on the main search query, you can select a semantic core, i.e. keywords on a given topic. This is often done by a highly specialized specialist, who is also called a “semanticist” or “nuclear scientist.” Most customers already define in the technical specifications what needs to be included in the text. SEO copywriting determines the optimal number of keywords - this is 1-2 direct occurrences per 1000 characters without spaces. Other features of working with them:

  • can be used in direct and indirect occurrence;
  • complex keys consisting of several words are allowed to be separated by a colon, parentheses, comma, quotation mark and semicolon;
  • It is not allowed to break phrases with exclamation and question marks.

Important keys are also added to the headings, which are required by SEO copywriting. Search engines first pay attention to the h 1 tag. This heading is the largest and the only one in the text. Other tags:

  • h 2– located in the article 3-4 times;
  • h 3– contained in the text in the amount of 8-9 pieces.

Keys must be entered in such a way that they are not noticeable. The reader does not have to figure out how these phrases sound and where they are located. This is what SEO copywriting is all about. Search engines analyze text in parts, so key phrases should not be in one place. The norm for “nausea” is considered to be 3-4% of the entire volume of the article. It is not recommended to put key phrases at the beginning of a sentence.

Correct structure

The second requirement that SEO copywriting makes is readability and ease of perception of the text. It should also be pleasant in terms of presentation on the main page of the site. Having visited a resource, a person needs to quickly find the information he is interested in. This will be more difficult to do if the article is written in continuous text. Numbered and bulleted lists help avoid this. They draw up:

  • listing ingredients in cooking texts;
  • step by step instructions to any process;
  • symptoms and causes of diseases, list of drugs in medical articles;
  • advantages and disadvantages of certain items and processes;
  • points with recommendations.

Paragraphs of text should not be too long. The optimal volume is 4-5 sentences or 300-500 characters without spaces. Compliance with these conditions will help not only ensure the readability of the text, but also facilitate the work of search engines. The entire article should contain several headings of different levels. They make information more attractive and easier to read. Taking these criteria into account, SEO copywriting distinguishes two ways of writing an article:

  • create a “fish” of text, i.e. a competent and readable template into which you can then enter key search queries;
  • Write an article right away, inserting the necessary phrases as you work.

High uniqueness

This is one of the first criteria determined by search engines. TOP results in the list of search pages are occupied only by those links that have unique content. If a site contains non-unique texts, then it may even be punished by search engines. You cannot simply take parts of articles and compose new texts from them - they will not be unique. There are special SEO copywriting services on the Internet for checking uniqueness - anti-plagiarism. They use 2 parameters:

  1. Shingle. This is a specific fragment of the article being checked. Anti-plagiarism checks texts for the presence of such shingles. Uniqueness depends on its length.
  2. GAP. Represents the shingle step.

SEO copywriting requires uniqueness not even because of copyright, but so that the article is missed in the TOP by search robots. Most customers indicate 90-100 percent uniqueness in their requirements. The specific value also depends on the resource used for checking in the form of a website or anti-plagiarism program. If, according to the results of the check, the uniqueness is lower than the required value, then the text must be changed. It is not recommended to use introductory words and template phrases when writing. They reduce the uniqueness of the text.

Low percentage of "water"

Each text on a specific topic has its own semantic core - these are words that are directly related to the selected area and are often found in the text. “Water” is considered to be phrases that do not carry any thematic information. Their presence in the text cannot be completely avoided, but it must be exceeded. optimal values It's also not worth it. SEO copywriting considers an interval of 40-60% “water” to be optimal.

Nausea of ​​content

The frequency of repetition of keywords in the text in SEO copywriting is called “nausea”. Search engines do not perceive articles with a high density of keys well, so they need to be distributed evenly. In addition, you cannot exceed the allowed number of keywords. When checking for “nausea,” the indicators should not exceed 3-4%. There are two types of this criterion:

  1. Academic "nausea". Takes into account repetitions of the most commonly used words and phrases. Recommended limits are 7-9%.
  2. Classic "nausea". The higher the number of repetitions of the same word in the text. An interval of 3-5% is considered optimal.

It is recommended to adhere to these parameters, but each customer sets his own certain “nausea” values. To change it, you need to see which word occurs more often. Its amount in the text needs to be increased if this indicator is to be increased, and reduced if it is to be decreased. You can reduce the frequency of a certain word by replacing it with a synonym or completely removing it from the article.

How to write SEO text

SEO copywriting requires compliance with all the above criteria for well-optimized articles. Only by taking them into account can you learn to write on your own. All work on creating one text can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Selection of topic and keywords. Having chosen the area in which you will create the text, you need to create a semantic core. The SEO copywriter needs to find out what information on his target query interests readers. To search for key phrases you can use special services - google adwords, There are also programs - Key Collector.
  2. Analysis of material from competing resources. They have good examples design and information that interests readers.
  3. Working on the material. Once the topic and keys are determined, you can start writing. SEO copywriting requires the formation of the correct structure of the material:
  • introduction of several sentences describing further content;
  • the main part, where there are paragraphs, lists, tables;
  • the conclusion is also in the form of several sentences that summarize.

4. Checking the parameters required by SEO copywriting. These include “nausea,” uniqueness, and “water.”

5. Using meta tags. They transform an article from a regular Word file into interesting content.

Checking key parameters

After writing the material, you need to check it for compliance with SEO copywriting requirements. If the customer has not indicated specific indicators, then it is necessary to use those that are considered optimal, which are indicated above. Key parameters to check:

  1. "Nausea". You can check it on the website The material needs to be copied, pasted into a special window on the resource page and click the “Check” button. Next, the site will produce a result with a report on the semantic core, which will show the percentage of academic and classical “nausea”.
  2. "Water". It is also checked using the Advego service. Instead, you can use the website
  3. Uniqueness. Checked on the website or with Advego Plagiatus and Etxt Anti-Plagiarism programs.

SEO copywriter - where to get training

Like any profession, SEO copywriting requires training. There are various resources that, for a fee or free of charge, provide the opportunity to take a course and then continue to work with them. Most copywriters start their careers on exchanges, where prices for 1000 characters without spaces (kilosign) are very low. Average pay is 15-50 rub. This is very little, especially for a person who does not have a basic income. Low pay at first is one of the main disadvantages of SEO copywriting.

In addition, there is a high level of competition on such exchanges, which is why copywriters sell their work at a minimum price. This is used by customers who don’t mind updating their website at a low cost. Help to master a profession faster:

  • special training courses;
  • SEO copywriting exchanges offering services for mastering this type of activity;
  • books and video courses.

Professional training sites

There are many online resources full of information about SEO copywriting. Some sites offer professional education this profession. Most of these courses are paid, for example:

  1. "Netology"- a university for training and additional training of specialists in the field of design, Internet marketing, interface design and web development. The SEO copywriting course on this site costs from 21900 to 58900 depending on the training plan.
  2. School of copywriting by Yulia Volkodav. Offers three levels of training - beginner, expert and professional. Their cost is different: 3, 4 and 5 thousand rubles. depending on the level. Students who successfully complete the course have the opportunity to remain in the copywriting agency of this school.
  3. Educational IT portal GeekBrains. The SEO specialist course here costs 47 thousand rubles. The duration of the training is 4 months. After each lesson is given homework. Questions can be asked to the teacher and fellow students. Partner companies of this portal take graduates for internships and further employment.

Copywriting exchanges

Not only training sites train specialists in the field of SEO copywriting. Content exchanges also provide beginners with this opportunity. You can learn the skills of this profession on the following resources:

Job service for copywriters Bytext

The service for SEO copywriting is convenient and stable. To get started, you need to register on the site, inform the Skype administrator about it so that he can attach test. If you complete it according to all the rules, the work will be paid for immediately. After this, you can continue your activities on this resource. has several absolute advantages:

  • stability – there are always a lot of orders on the resource;
  • payment for work done every week;
  • the service has its own system for checking uniqueness, which is required by SEO copywriting;
  • the ability to take on as many tasks as you can write in a day, and indicate their volume;
  • the ability to work anytime, anywhere;
  • detailed technical specifications, which reduces the time spent working on them;
  • the ability to choose topics in which you have experience;
  • At any time of the working day, you can contact support on Skype if you have questions about the task.


This exchange has its own school of SEO copywriting. To get started here, you need to register, confirm your phone number, take a test and write an essay. Based on these checks, the moderator will decide whether you can earn money through copywriting on this resource. Before taking the tests, you should complete the training that the resource offers. It consists of 39 lessons. They can be mastered in a few days. After each lesson a test is required. Advantages of the ContentMonster exchange:

  • free education;
  • many orders;
  • decent pay;
  • built-in anti-plagiarism check;
  • convenient interface.

Content exchange Etxt

This is one of the popular content exchanges whose main activity is SEO copywriting. Due to the tender system for taking orders, there is high competition. You can start working only after passing the test and writing trial material. Advantages of this copywriting exchange:

  • clients themselves look for performers;
  • you can choose an order that is convenient in terms of timing;
  • you can write on your favorite topics;
  • it is possible to exchange messages with the customer;
  • You are allowed to leave reviews about the work and exchange opinions with other performers.

Books and video courses

If you decide to independently study the basics of SEO copywriting or simply want to expand your knowledge in this area, then you should pay attention to books and video courses. The following can help in mastering this unusual profession:

  • book “How to tame a search engine”;
  • book “Visual Guide to SEO Copywriting”;
  • Sergey Bernadsky, “Selling Texts”;
  • Dmitry Kot, “Copywriting. How not to eat a dog";
  • Step-by-step Video Course “Do-It-Yourself Copywriting in 24 Hours”
  • Video course “Copywriting Workshop”;
  • Video marathon “Creative copywriting” from Pavel Berestnev.


An SEO copywriter is a specialist in writing texts for the Internet. What is the difference between him and a regular copywriter, and what does the SEO prefix mean? This specialist must be able to not only write informative and useful articles, but also optimize them for search engine queries. It is SEO, i.e. Search engine optimization of text is the main tool for website promotion on the Internet. Therefore, more and more often, webmasters order not just articles, but articles that are written according to certain rules.

What is SEO copywriting?

In order to answer the question in more detail, what is an SEO copywriter, you need to understand the importance of getting a website into the TOP of search engines. If you are writing an article for a commercial site that sells goods or services, then it goes without saying that such an article is designed to attract potential customers. But for this article to be found by clients, it must first appear in search engine results.

Search engines are configured in such a way that in the first lines of their results they present sites that fully meet their requirements. The main condition for a good result is competent, SEO-optimized articles. Texts become optimized by including keywords specially selected for the theme of the site. Due to these words, the search engine finds the site among thousands of other resources with the same topic.

SEO copywriter for websites, simultaneously observing two conditions - these articles are useful and informative for clients, and they are also customized for search queries. In addition, it is often required that such articles help to attract the client and motivate him to use the services of the site. Thus, an SEO article simultaneously serves three purposes:

  1. Providing clients with the necessary information
  2. Website promotion in search engines
  3. Motivation to make a purchase

Thus, SEO texts are much more useful than ordinary articles. It is not surprising that specialists in this field earn much more than ordinary copywriters. jobs related to website promotion are in great demand on the Internet, so if you have the necessary skills and experience, finding a job will not be difficult.

Responsibilities of an SEO copywriter

Despite the complexity of the process of website promotion on the Internet, the work of an SEO copywriter is quite simple. All issues related to the compilation of the semantic core and the selection of keywords are dealt with by the optimizer. All you need to do is comply with the requirements set by these specialists for the quality of texts.

An SEO copywriter receives a thematic task from a webmaster or optimizer in accordance with which he will have to write an article. As a rule, such tasks include the necessary keywords, the conditions for their use and the required quantity. The main task of an SEO copywriter is to distribute these key phrases throughout the text. Moreover, the keys must be inserted in such a way that a site visitor can read the entire article without “stumbling” over these keywords. Therefore, the specialist composes sentences in such a way that the keyword inserted into it does not impair the readability of the text.

An SEO copywriter also pays special attention to text formatting. An article written in continuous text is difficult to understand, no matter how useful it may be. If you break the entire text into small paragraphs, each of which carries a specific idea, and add subheadings and bulleted lists, the reader can easily find the information he needs. And search engines rank texts formatted properly much higher.

How much do SEO copywriters earn and where to look for work?

The amount of earnings of a specialist in SEO copywriting directly depends on his work experience and skills. If we talk about numbers, a beginning SEO copywriter earns from 30 to 50 rubles for every 1000 characters written. There are usually no serious requirements for such texts - it is enough that the article is unique and contains keywords. More expensive articles, for which copywriters charge 100 rubles and more, are written in accordance with strict requirements. Here you need to follow the structure of the text, discreetly include key expressions, format the article, and also use techniques to encourage customers to make a purchase.

SEO copywriter. There are many options, but the surest and most reliable is searching for vacancies on copywriting and freelancing exchanges. On these exchanges you can choose a task that best suits your capabilities, because there are quite a lot of customers here. Therefore, even a beginning freelancer can find his first job in SEO copywriting.

Something like SEO copywriting requires a specialist to have certain skills and knowledge. However, the cost of optimized articles is much higher than regular texts for websites. Therefore, the time spent on writing SEO articles will be fully justified by the financial reward. Keep up to date with the latest news by joining our community "

Today in our article we will talk about such a concept as SEO copywriting. Let's find out what it is, how to reach the level of a professional SEO copywriter and where to get the necessary knowledge about this profession.

What is SEO copywriting

It will be difficult to find a scientific interpretation of the term SEO copywriting, since this concept appeared not so long ago. In addition, even specialists in various information technology have different views on SEO copywriting and all the issues that accompany this topic.

The idea that SEO articles are not intended for ordinary readers is wrong. They must also be literate, unique, interesting, like other types of texts . The only difference is that SEO texts always contain keywords and the rules for writing them are slightly different, which we will talk about later.

Speaking in simple words, SEO copywriting – this is the work of creating texts, aimed at optimizing it for promotion to the top lines when issued by search engines.

It is difficult to answer exactly when exactly this type of copywriting appeared. It is only clear that on the territory former USSR it began to be used in the 2000s, when Internet technologies began to develop at a rapid pace. But its origins still lie in the traditional.

Basic terms and concepts

There are not many special terms in SEO copywriting. Even a beginner can deal with them; you just need a little attention.

So, let's analyze them:

  • Semantic core – these are those phrases and words that must be included in the text of the future article, as well as their ratio as a percentage to the volume of the entire article;
  • Uniqueness indicator – this is a percentage showing matches with other materials. Ideally, it should be 100, otherwise the text cannot be called completely unique (but the deviation may depend on the customer’s requirements);
  • Spam indicator– this is the ratio of repeating keys to the volume of the entire article;
  • Nausea - the percentage of words in an article that are frequently repeated. In SEO copywriting, this percentage should not be higher than 10.5;
  • Availability of water – words and phrases that are not related to the topic of the material. In SEO texts, the acceptable percentage is 40-60, again depending on the volume of the article;
  • Entry of keys – There are several types, let's consider 3 main ones: direct, precise and diluted. With direct entry Key words or phrases may be separated by commas or colons, exact occurrence allows you to enter keys only in the form in which they are proposed in the technical specifications. Concerning diluted type , then you can add to key phrase additional words.

Diluting single-word keywords is not allowed.

  • Meta tags – These are symbols that are used to mark up website pages.

Basic principles and rules of SEO copywriting

It may seem that writing optimized texts is a simple task. But this is far from true. Let's look at why now.

Here it is clearly not enough to be able to express your thoughts beautifully; you also need to be able to correctly distribute key words and phrases throughout the text, while complying with the technical specifications.

So, what should a competent SEO text be like?

  • Structured (must be easy to understand);
  • Stated simply;
  • Competent: without spelling, stylistic and other errors;
  • All keys must be present;
  • Unique (the required percentage depends on the technical specifications);
  • With low levels of “nausea” and “water”.

How to write SEO text

To achieve success in SEO copywriting, articles should be written according to a certain algorithm. Next, we will give some advice to those who, in principle, know how to write texts, but are also interested in SEO promotion.

Stage 1. Key selection and analytics

In general, keywords are selected by a specialist who is directly involved in the formation of a “semantic core” (the meaning of the term was discussed above). Then the topic for a specific article is selected.

Stage 2. An analysis of material from competing resources on this topic is carried out.

The easiest way to do this is to enter a query into the search bar and view the first 10 articles from the list returned by the search engine.

Stage 3.

Directly writing the material

At this stage, any copywriter acts according to the algorithm that he has already developed for himself. Someone first creates the basis of the article. And only then it optimizes it, and someone enters the necessary keys right away, organically and to the point.

What does this mean? For example, all listings in the text should be formatted as lists (bulleted and numbered), and not separated by commas, as many do. It is also recommended to format headings and subheadings, and break the text into paragraphs. In general, the article needs to be made in such a way that the reader immediately catches the moments he needs with his gaze.

Stage 4.

Checking text for uniqueness and other criteria

As already mentioned, uniqueness is an important criterion for a text. If the percentage is low, not only will copyright be affected, but such articles will not be missed by the search engine.

Checking for uniqueness can be done online, or using services that can be downloaded to the author’s computer. Such services include: Text, Etxt, Advego and a number of others. Most customers require 90 to 100% uniqueness. If the percentage is lower, non-unique fragments will have to be corrected.

Regarding “nausea”: acceptable levels are from 3 to 9%.

The presence of water in the text also has acceptable values: it is clear that it is generally unrealistic to do without water, so 40-60% is acceptable. This will also include the so-called “stop words”: prepositions, conjunctions, addresses, interjections.

Stage 5.

Working with meta tags

We have already said what this is. Let us only mention that a specialist who knows how to work with them is paid more than an ordinary copywriter. If you want to earn more, train as a CEO.

Where to learn SEO copywriting Copywriting, like any other profession, needs to be learned. It’s just a pity that they don’t teach this in institutes yet. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to study.

Exchange Contentmonster

— offers a good free training course. In 2-3 days it is quite possible to study materials on the desired topic.

If we talk about specialized literature, there is very little of it. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is new and its foundation is just being laid.

If you have already mastered the basics of copywriting, you will probably be interested in the opportunity to make money by writing SEO texts, because such work is considered the most highly paid. What do you need to know in order to become a good SEO copywriter and get decent pay for your work?

    • What does SEO copywriting mean?
    • SEO copywriting: sequence of actions
    • SEO copywriting - the main rules of work
    • Conclusion

What does SEO copywriting mean?

In order to understand this term, you need to understand how a website is promoted in search engines. And, it is advisable to know at least the basics of html markup.

SEO copywriting is no longer just about creating unique content. Now your tasks will be much more difficult. You need to write not only an interesting and informative article for Internet users, but also format it in such a way that it helps the site take a leading position in the search engine rankings. How to do this?

For your article to be liked by search engines, it must meet certain requirements.

These are special words or phrases that contain the main idea of ​​your article. Thanks to them, search engines will be able to quickly identify your site. Finding such “keys” is not difficult. Imagine that you want to buy sneakers online. What words will you use to search for what you need? Special Google or Yandex programs can help you select key queries for an article.

The article must be properly structured

Paragraphs should not be too long, and neither should individual sentences. The text must contain h1-h3 tags and numbered lists.

The uniqueness of the text should be high

In principle, there is nothing new in this. Uniqueness is the first thing a search engine determines. Sites containing non-unique texts may even be blocked by search engines. Therefore, you should not forget about this parameter either.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money from copywriting

In addition, in writing such texts there are certain subtleties, having studied which, you can easily become an excellent SEO copywriter.

SEO copywriting: sequence of actions

So, you've decided to write your first SEO article. Where should you start? And what should be the sequence of your work?

First of all, decide on the topic of the article. Of course, it should be relevant and interesting for readers. But the main thing is that you must understand it well. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to create a truly high-quality product.

What should newbies do in freelancing?

The next step will be the selection of keywords to match the text. To do this, it is best to use special services from Google or Yandex.

After this, you can proceed directly to writing the text itself. At the same time, do not forget to structure it correctly, highlight headings and create lists. And also correctly enter keywords into sentences.

SEO copywriting is an art, but anyone can master it. All you need is effort, patience and perseverance.

SEO copywriting - the main rules of work

There are no specific standards when it comes to writing SEO articles. Each specialist has his own requirements and preferences. But there are basic rules that it is advisable to adhere to.

SEO copywriting is not just text with a set of keywords

In order for the page with your article to move to the top positions in searches, the information contained in it must be relevant and interesting to users.

Don't try to include as many keywords as possible in your text.

Search robots do not like texts with a large number of queries, since this increases the “nausea” of the text. This is a parameter responsible for the number of certain words in your article. The higher it is, the worse the page is indexed.

You can check this indicator using special online services. The maximum allowable rate is 7.

SEO copywriting must contain headings

It is advisable to also fill them with the most important keywords. The first thing search engines pay attention to is the h1 tag. This is the largest heading and should appear only once in the text. The h2 heading is placed 3-4 times. h3 - can be contained 8-9 times or even more, depending on the size of the article. Also, try not to make headlines only from keywords.

Structure your text correctly

It shouldn't look like a solid sheet. It is advisable that the paragraph contain no more than 4 sentences. And don't forget about lists! Firstly, it will help people find the information they need faster, after all, SEO copywriting is designed to sell. Secondly, you make the job of search robots easier.

Insert “keys” into the text naturally

They should look so that a third party reading your article would not even guess what they sound like or where you hid them.

Distribute queries evenly throughout the text

Good SEO copywriting should not contain all the keywords in one place in the article. This is due to the fact that search engines analyze the text in parts. And if they feel that a certain part of the article is overly nauseous, the page will not be properly indexed.

Do not overuse introductory words and cliched phrases

They significantly reduce the uniqueness of the article, which will not have the best effect on the optimization of the entire site.


To summarize, we can say that SEO copywriting is a rather complex job that requires a lot of knowledge and skills. However, such work is paid quite highly.

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You will need the ability to correctly enter keywords, determine the “nausea” of an article, and work with links and headings. And if, on top of everything else, your articles are interesting, readable and talented, then your income will always be consistently high.

Work and education