Cultivation of champignons on a personal plot, technology for growing champignons, useful tips. Growing mushrooms at home for beginners How to breed mushrooms at home

Champignons today have become the kind of mushroom that is available for growing at home. The time between planting the mycelium in the substrate and obtaining the first fruits is minimal. No special conditions are required for mushroom cultivation. It is enough just to provide a cool room with high air humidity. A basement or cellar is fine.

Champignons can be grown both for personal use and for sale. But it is important to know that the substrate for their growth when wet exudes a rather strong odor. It is not advisable to keep it in a residential area.

Where and on what do mushrooms grow?

The very first and most important step in the successful cultivation of mushrooms is the correct preparation of the substrate. It must be prepared with high quality in compliance with all stages.

The mushroom substrate consists of:

  • 25% compost (wheat and rye straw)
  • 75% horse manure

There is experience in growing champignons based on chicken manure or cow dung, but you should not expect a high yield in this case.

The substrate is prepared in an open space on the street or in a well-ventilated room, since ammonia, carbon dioxide and moisture will be released during its fermentation. Additional additives per 100 kg of substrate are:

  • 2 kg of urea
  • 2 kg superphosphate
  • 5 kg of chalk
  • 8 kg of plaster

As a result, we get almost 300 kg of the finished substrate. With such a mass, you can fill a mycelium with an area of ​​3 square meters. m.

If a decision is made to prepare compost based on chicken manure, then the proportions will be as follows:

  • 100 kg of straw
  • 100 kg of litter
  • 300 l of water
  • Alabaster

The procedure for preparing the substrate is as follows.

  1. Straw is soaked in a large, spacious container.
  2. The straw is laid in alternating layers with manure. There should be 3 layers of straw and 3 layers of manure.
  3. Straw in the process of laying in layers is moistened with water. Three layers of straw (100 kg) will take about 300 liters.
  4. During the laying of the layers, urea (2 kg) and superphosphate (0.5 kg) are gradually added in small portions.
  5. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Add chalk and the remainder of superphosphate, gypsum.

The resulting substrate is left to undergo a decay process. In this case, the temperature in the mixture will rise to 70 degrees. After 21 days, the compost will be completely ready for further use.

Planting material

When purchasing planting material, you should not save. Therefore, they acquire only the highest quality mycelium (mycelium). It must be grown under special laboratory conditions. Today mycelium producers present two types of planting material:

  • Compost mycelium
  • Grain mycelium

Grain mycelium is produced in plastic bags. Store it for about 6 months at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees. Grain mycelium is used at the rate of 0.4 kg per 100 kg of substrate (mycelium area is 1 sq. M).

Compost mycelium is sold in glass containers. Its shelf life depends on the temperature. At zero degrees, it can last for about a year, but if the temperature is at 20 degrees, then the mycelium must be used within 3 weeks. Compost mycelium is used at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 square meter of substrate. Its yield is much lower than that of grain.

A properly prepared substrate will surely spring when pressed. Before placing mycelium into it, it must undergo a pasteurization (heat treatment) process. After heating, the substrate cools down to 25 degrees. A mycelium of 1 square meter is laid with about 100 kg of substrate with a layer of about 30 cm.

They take a piece of mycelium the size of a chicken egg and put it into the substrate by about 5 cm. Each portion of mycelium is placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other. A staggered arrangement is used for landing.

Another method involves uniform distribution (dusting) of the entire surface of the substrate with mycelium. You also need to deepen by no more than 5 cm.

Further actions are to provide the necessary conditions for the engraftment and germination of the mycelium. Air humidity should be kept at around 90%. The substrate must also be kept moist at all times. To prevent it from drying out, the myceliums can be covered with sheets of paper. Watering the substrate is carried out through the paper. An important condition for mycelium engraftment is a constantly maintained substrate temperature at a level of 22 to 27 degrees. Any temperature deviations from the norm must be adjusted immediately.

The germination time of the mycelium is approximately 7 to 14 days. After this period, the substrate needs to be sprinkled with a casing layer of soil about 3 cm. It is prepared independently from one part of sand and nine parts of peat. About 50 kg of casing layer will be consumed per square meter of mycelium.

The covering layer is kept on the substrate for three days, then the air temperature in the basement or cellar is reduced to 15-17 degrees. The cover soil is moistened with a spray bottle, and the room is constantly ventilated. Drafts are not allowed.


The process of self-cultivation of champignons in a cellar or basement is not too complicated and time-consuming. The period from planting to harvesting the first crop is 120 days. Only those mushrooms in which the plates under the cap are not yet visible are suitable for eating. Those mushrooms that are large are overripe, and dark brown plastics are forbidden to be used for food. They can cause poisoning.

The mushroom must not be cut, but carefully plucked with a twisting motion. The resulting depression is sprinkled with a covering substrate and moistened.

The mycelium will bear fruit for about 2 weeks. The number of crops harvested during this period is 7. Up to 14 kg of the crop is harvested from one square of the area.

For growing champignons in large volumes for sale through retail chains I use polymer bags. This method has received its recognition in many countries. With its help, a large harvest is obtained.

  1. For the manufacture of the bag, a polymer film is used. The capacity of each bag varies from 25 to 35 kg.
  2. The bags should be of just such a volume so that it is convenient to work with them. In addition, the correct arrangement of the bags affects the number of mushrooms grown. They are usually staggered or parallel.
  3. So when installing bags with a diameter of about 0.4 m in a staggered arrangement, only 10% of the usable area will be lost, while their arbitrary installation gives losses of up to 20%.
  4. The height and width of the bags may vary. You need to proceed from their conditions and convenience of work, as well as the physical capabilities of the basement (cellar).

The method of growing mushrooms in bags is less costly, since they do not require specially mounted shelves or containers to place them. If it becomes necessary to use the area of ​​the room as efficiently as possible, then a multi-tiered system can be created for the location of the bags. The advantage of this method also lies in the speed of dealing with emerging diseases or pests. The infected bag can be easily removed from healthy neighbors and destroyed, while if the mycelium is infected, it will have to remove its entire area entirely.

It is important to remember that growing mushrooms is a rather laborious process. If champignons are grown for sale, then it is impossible to do without the use of agricultural equipment to facilitate the work of the workers.

Experienced mushroom pickers can list a large number of methods they have tested for growing mushrooms on their own in a basement (cellar). Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is adherence to the cultivation technology, strict adherence to all instructions and requirements. The result is the achievement of the desired result and obtaining a rich harvest of mushrooms.

Champignons have long won the first place in the preparation of mushroom dishes. They are uncomplicated in cooking and have a pleasant sweetish taste. We are used to buying in supermarkets, but mushrooms are easy to grow at home, and if you wish, you can create your own business.

Have you decided to grow mushrooms yourself? First of all, decide on a place for production, since the technology directly depends on it, for example: in the country, in the basement of a private house, in a rented room. Then study planting and care technologies, possible diseases, temperature conditions, and others.

The correct technology for growing champignons

For planting, you will need grain or compost mycelium. With a properly planted mycelium, correctly selected temperature and humidity, it will be possible to harvest the crop in the first year.

Grain mycelium in the ground

When planting grain mycelium, make grooves in the ground no more than 0.3 m deep and about 0.5-0.6 m wide. In this state, leave the dug pits for 2-3 days to normalize the temperature. Then proceed with the inception of the mycelium. It is better to place the body of the mushroom in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of at least 20 cm.

Compost view

If the choice fell on the compost type, the technology is somewhat different. Lay drainage at the bottom of the mini-pits, and on top - compressed compost, into which place the mycelium and cover it with it. If everything is done correctly and the mycelium was of high quality, after a week you will see new branches of the mycelium.

3 weeks after successful planting, spread a layer of wet soil over the beds. It is important to ensure that the layer thickness does not exceed 25-30 cm, otherwise the formation of mushroom bodies may be blocked. The soil should contain peat, chalk and sod soil, which will provide the necessary acidity for development.

Provide room ventilation and the required air humidity. If we talk about specific numbers, then for the activation of spores the optimal temperature is 24-28 ° C, and for the growth of mushrooms - 16-18 ° C.

Install temporary shelters or cover the ground with a layer of straw to maintain the temperature regime. Make sure that no white bloom appears on the soil - this is the first sign of overdrying of the soil. Moisten the soil and remove the straw or canopy for a while.

You will get the first harvest of champignons in a month and a half after planting. Pick mushrooms immediately after ripening, like oyster mushrooms. The yield period is 3-4 days. Subsequent fruiting should be expected at intervals of 3-4 months. The first harvests will be the richest.

Features of growing in the basement

The type of cultivation in the basement is a priori successful, because the optimal conditions for maturation have already been created in the basement - the required temperature and lighting. The main thing is to monitor the humidity of the air during the incubation period, which should not fall below 75%. But here, too, the problem is solvable - use a conventional humidifier. To activate the spores, set the temperature higher, and for the growth of mushrooms, lower it. There is no need to create additional structures.

How to grow properly in the country

This method is more difficult than growing in the basement. It is important to correctly approach the choice of a site for planting - look for a shady and humid place. Build a canopy or darkened greenhouse. The mycelium planting technology is standard. Maintain the correct temperature (mushrooms do not tolerate heat), the required humidity, control the ventilation mode.

Pay attention to the choice of substrate, which should contain a minimum of carbon dioxide and a maximum of nutrients. The best option is forest land.

Video plot

Champignons as a business - where to start?

Due to the relative unpretentiousness and high fertility, mushrooms are profitable to grow on an industrial scale. Consider a step-by-step plan for starting a business.

  1. Decide on the yield, calculate the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe growing room (for example, to get 3 tons of the crop, you will need a room of 100 square meters).
  2. Based on the long-term nature of the event and financial possibilities, you can invest in the construction of a new structure, rent or buy a finished premises. At the initial stage, rent is more profitable.
  3. The next challenge is to find a reliable supplier of mycelium. It is not worth saving here. Choose trusted suppliers with extensive experience.
  4. On an industrial scale, champignons are most often grown in wooden boxes or bags. This method allows you to rationally use the area of ​​the room.
  5. An important item of expenses is hired labor, as well as competent training of workers in the technology of caring for mushrooms. The number of workers directly depends on the scale of cultivation and financial capacity.

Video information

Where can I get mycelium for planting?

The quality of the mycelium determines the volume of the crop. There are many offers from different suppliers on the Internet. Do not chase low prices, this threatens with problems with the future harvest.

The ideal option is to choose a reliable and well-known supplier, who is advised by real buyers on the mushroom growing forums.

Mycelium can be grown independently at home, but for the first planting, it is advisable to postpone the experiments and buy a proven product.

For the first planting, choose a compost type of mycelium - less picky and more resistant to disturbances in growing conditions. Productivity with compost mycelium is less rich, however, it is easier to acquire the first and necessary skills with it.

Before planting mycelium, carefully examine the substrate. It should be slightly springy, not crumbly and not too hard.

To increase the yield, horse manure is added to the substrate. If it is not there, it is possible to replace it with a bird or cow, but this can negatively affect the volume of the crop.

Today we will talk about how to independently breed and grow champignons at home yourself. We will also consider a proven technology on how to grow a rich harvest of champignons with our own hands at no extra cost.

Champignon can be grown in the spring and summer in the beds, and in the fall and winter - indoors (mushrooms, greenhouses, cellars, cellars, hotbeds, etc.), where it is possible to maintain a more or less constant temperature - plus 12-18 ° and humidity within the range of 65-85%.

The nutrient medium (substrate) for them is fresh horse manure with straw bedding or a mixture of horse and cow manure with rye or wheat straw. In the absence of cow manure, you can add chicken manure or pig manure to the substrate, and instead of straw - fresh fallen tree leaves, corn stalks. Old rotted manure and rotten straw are not suitable for the substrate. No light is required for the growth and development of champignons. They grow well and bear fruit in the dark.

Substrate preparation. If the substrate is laid from horse manure with litter, then it should first be laid in a cone-shaped pile and watered with water or slurry, bringing the humidity to 60-70%.

Then add ammonium sulfate to it at the rate of 3 kg per 1 ton of manure. Cover the pile with straw, mats or burlap so that water does not evaporate from it and the manure begins to warm up. Ammonium sulfate is added to enhance the activity of bacteria involved in the decomposition of manure.

After five days, the manure should be thoroughly shaken (interrupted) with a pitchfork so that it mixes well and warms up evenly. At the first shaking, plaster is applied at the rate of 4 kg per 1 ton of manure. Then, every five days, you need to shake it up 2-3 times. By the end of the preparation, the substrate should become a homogeneous mass of dark brown color, devoid of the smell of ammonia. The straw in the substrate should tear easily. Such a substrate is considered ready for laying.

To prepare a substrate from wheat straw with chicken droppings, you need to add 400 kg of chicken manure, 25 kg of carbamide and 60 kg of gypsum to 1 ton of straw.

First, the straw should be mixed with 150 kg of chicken manure and 25 kg of carbamide (in solution). Spray it with water for 10 days. During this time, 1 ton of straw should absorb approximately 2500-3000 liters of water. Then the straw must be piled into a pile, sandwiching it with chicken droppings (250 kg per 1 ton of dry straw).

The first stirring is carried out on the fourth day after the straw has been soaked. In this case, the full rate of gypsum is introduced. The second cut on the eighth day, and the third on the eleventh. On the thirteenth day, the substrate is ready for laying.

If the substrate is prepared from a mixture of horse and cow manure with straw, then it is laid in a pile 2-3 m wide and 1.5 m high, then moistened with water. At the first interruption, places that were not sufficiently moistened are watered and ammonium sulfate is added (3 kg per 1 ton). During the third change, gypsum (5 kg) and superphosphate (3 kg per 1 ton of mixture) are added.

Soil laying. Indoors, mushrooms are grown on an earthen floor, on ridges or on shelves, as well as in wooden boxes, which are stacked on top of each other in stacks of 2 m or more.

On the earthen floor, the ridges are arranged with a size of 50x50 or 75x75 cm.The prepared manure is first laid with a layer of 45 cm thick, then compacted with a rammer to 30 cm.On the sides of the ridge, they are leveled and compacted with a shovel.

Manure is placed on racks in a layer of 30-45 cm, and then compacted evenly so that its surface is even and smooth.

Mushroom growing boxes come in a variety of sizes. The most convenient boxes are 100 cm long, 50 cm wide, 25 cm high. They are stuffed with manure so that after compaction the layer thickness is about 23 cm. The manure is compacted with manual rammers.

V open ground The laying of ridges begins in early spring, as soon as the soil thaws and warms up. Manure is laid directly on the ground, as well as in a greenhouse, or in a trench 20-25 cm deep. A slightly shaded place for laying is chosen. Sheds are made over the beds to protect against waterlogging during rain and direct sunlight.

Planting mycelium. After laying the soil, it is recommended to measure the temperature of the substrate daily. When at a depth of 4-5 cm it drops to 27-28 °, you can start planting mycelium.

The best planting material for the mushroom culture is a sterile mycelium grown in special laboratories. Such a mycelium can be purchased at the "Seeds - by mail" store. The highest yields are given by mushrooms of two varieties: two-spore brown and two-spore white.

In the laboratory, the mushroom mycelium is grown on manure or grains (wheat, oats, rye). Dung mycelium weighing 1-2 kg is sold in cans, and grain - in one-liter milk bottles or in one-two-three-liter cans.

For 1 square meter, manure mycelium is consumed 400-500 g, and grain-300-400 g.

Before planting, the dung mycelium is broken into pieces the size of a walnut or a pigeon's egg weighing 15-20 g and laid out in a basin or sieve in one layer so as not to wrinkle. Pieces of mycelium are planted in the ground in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 20x20 or 22x22 cm.

The landing technique is simple. In the designated place, the top layer of the soil is raised with a sharp peg, a depression is made under it, into which a piece of mycelium is inserted so that after planting its upper edge lies 2-3 cm below the surface of the substrate.

If grain mycelium is used for planting, then first a layer of substrate (about 3 cm) is removed from the surface of the ridge, and then the mycelium is evenly scattered. After that, it is sprinkled with compost and lightly crushed to create contact between the grains of the mycelium and the substrate.

Wild mycelium can be used for planting. It is necessary to look for it in those places where mushrooms grow: near farmyards, near manure and compost heaps, near greenhouses, in landfills, etc.

The mycelium should be dug out where the fruit bodies of these mushrooms appear in abundance.

The prepared pieces of soil should be densely penetrated with cobweb branches of white mycelium, have a pleasant mushroom smell, and not have any traces of damage by pests and diseases.

Planting wild mycelium is carried out in the same way as manure.

Care for mushrooms. After planting the mycelium, the temperature in the room must be maintained within 24-26 °. Under these conditions, the mycelium grows deep into the soil and gives a good harvest of mushrooms. At higher temperatures, the mycelium grows in the surface layer and forms fewer fruiting bodies.
The moisture content of the substrate should be around 55-60%.

If the soil dries up, the mycelium grows worse. To prevent this, the substrate should be moistened by evenly spraying water from a backpack or garden sprayer. This must be done carefully, not allowing water to penetrate inside the manure mixture and damage the mycelium.

After 10-12 days, when the mycelium grows well, the temperature in the room should be reduced to 18-20 °, and the soil surface should be covered with earth. The land should be soddy, loamy or sandy loam, fine crumbly structure, sufficiently moist. Before sprinkling, it should be passed through a screen with holes of 1–2 cm. The soil should be sprinkled evenly. Its layer should not exceed 3-4 cm. In this case, in no case should it be compacted, as this can impair the access of air to the mycelium.

Further care for mushrooms consists in maintaining normal temperature (about 16-20 °), air humidity (80-90%) and earth layer (up to 60%), as well as regular ventilation of the room to remove accumulated carbon dioxide.

35-40 days after planting the mycelium, the first fruiting bodies of the mushrooms appear.

Fruiting lasts two to three months.
While the compost is ripening, racks and planting boxes can be arranged in the growing area. The height of the latter is about 10-20 centimeters.

When the compost is ready they are filled with boxes and then the mycelium is added. In this case, the temperature of the compost should be 25 ° С ± 2 ° С. After disembarkation, control over the temperature of the mycelium must be strictly observed. If the temperature begins to exceed 30 ° C, it is advisable to cool the room a little, but without creating a draft.

It is practically impossible to grow mycelium on your own. It is usually purchased from nurseries or specialized laboratories.

After fourteen days, the mycelium should grow and become almost white. After that, it must be covered with a layer of soil consisting of half turf and peat, half calcium (chalk). The soil is pre-treated with boiling water.

This is done in order to eliminate pests and disinfect the soil from diseases and mold. The fact is that champignons are very sensitive to various kinds of infections.

The temperature regime for further growth should be up to 15-20 ° C. Reduce it gradually, not abruptly.

As you know, all mushrooms love high humidity, and champignons are no exception. The percentage of moisture at the time of the formation of the mycelium should be from 70 to 95%, and during the direct growth of the mushrooms from 60 to 75%. Watering is carried out by the drip method, since when watering with a stream of water, the mycelium can be destroyed.

With the right approach, growing mushrooms at home ensures harvesting in 90 days from the moment of planting. At the same time, champignons grow in several stages over two to three months, during which you can harvest up to seven times.

Champignon has gained great popularity in industrial mushroom growing. Every year an increasing number of mushroom lovers are trying to grow them on their backyard plots. Even in spite of the fact that the technology of their cultivation is somewhat complicated, in comparison with cultivation, for example,.

At the correct approach and organization of production mushrooms can be grown all year round. They grow quickly, but they require special care and financial costs. The ability to grow these mushrooms constantly and collect 5-6 harvests per calendar year attracts many people who want to master this business. With the right approach, funds pay off quickly. In this article, we will consider the main ways, costs for running this business.

Possible cultivation options and their features

At the initial stage, mushroom cultivation can be started at home. A greenhouse, cellar, basement are perfect for these purposes.

Growing in beds can be called one of the simplest ways. But given that the whole process will have to be done manually, this option is suitable for personal use, and not a large-scale business. In addition, in case of infection with diseases, the soil will have to be completely changed, which is not very convenient.

Growing mushrooms in bags or wooden boxes has undeniable advantages. Thus, you can easily move the mushrooms, if a disease is detected, there is no need to replace the entire soil, but you can limit yourself to replacing only in infected bags or boxes. In addition, this method helps to more efficiently use space in the room. The disadvantages include the need for self-filling bags with soil, which is inconvenient on a large scale.

How to grow champignons at home, see the following video:

Containers, racks can be attributed to high-tech methods of growing mushrooms. Considering the significant costs of purchasing all equipment, this method is suitable for farm owners. You can think about purchasing such equipment when you want to scale your business.

Equipment and furnishing of the growing area

When organizing a business, you will need a room.

You can suggest Several variants:

  • Using an existing utility room or structure (basement, greenhouse, summer cottage).
  • Premises for rent.
  • Acquisition of ownership.

Which of the options to choose is up to the novice entrepreneur independently. Here, an important role is played by the region of residence and the amount Money, which he is ready to spend on organizing the cultivation of mushrooms.

The room should be good ventilation system, it is important to maintain a comfortable temperature for growing mushrooms of 24-25 degrees.

Depending on the method of growing mushrooms need to purchase racks, wooden containers for filling them with compost. At the initial stage, compost can be ordered. Subsequently, it is advisable to make the soil yourself. This will reduce the cost of mushroom growing.

To grow champignons, you will need and mycelium (fungal spores)... There are two types of mycelium: grain and compost. Experts advise beginners to purchase compost mycelium. It is characterized by resistance to diseases, not afraid of rodents. In the future, you can switch to grain, which gives a much larger yield.

Mushroom boxes can be purchased from specialized companies or farms.

If you have not registered an organization yet, then easiest do it with online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace the accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reports are generated automatically, signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLC on the USN, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it became!

Preparing the nutrient mixture

The habitat of the cultivated champignon is compost (nutrient mixture). The main raw materials for the preparation of the substrate are wheat or rye straw and chicken droppings. You can use horse or cow manure with straw. The composting process is carried out in piles - concreted, covered areas.

It can be divided into several stages:

  1. preparation and moistening of straw;
  2. the introduction of droppings or manure;
  3. fertilization;
  4. breaking up and moistening the compost;
  5. compost pasteurization.

Technology for preparing a good substrate very time consuming... In its manufacture, one should clearly observe the proportions of the initial components, maintain a certain temperature and humidity regime, and monitor the acidity level. The fermentation process takes about a month. Therefore, some novice mushroom growers purchase ready-made compost for myceliums.

Inoculation and germination of mycelium

The compost, ready for inoculation, is laid out on the beds or in a container for growing mushrooms. After a few days, you can start grafting mycelium. The signal for this is the temperature in the compost. It should be no higher than + 25 ° C. Seed consumption per 1 m2 of a ridge is about 0.5–1 kg. When grown in bags, the weight of the mycelium is 1% of the weight of the bag.

The optimum temperature inside the substrate for good germination is + 25 ° C ... + 27 ° C. To create the required level of humidity, it is recommended to cover the beds or containers with perforated polyethylene or moistened burlap. The germination period of the mycelium takes from 14 to 20 days. When there is a uniform overgrowth of the substrate with white mycelium, the coatings must be removed.

Ripening of mushrooms and their collection

An important step in growing mushrooms at home is to create casing layer... This layer has a microclimate that enhances the formation and setting of fruit bodies. It differs from compost in nutritional value, water retention capacity and air permeability. For good mycelium growth, the acidity level of the protective layer should be in the range of 6.5 - 7.5 pH.

You can prepare your own casing mixture from peat and garden soil in a 1: 1 ratio. The acidity level is determined using a test strip and distilled water. With insufficient acidity of the soil, lime is added, and with excess - peat. Covering soil should be free of pests and pathogens. Moisten it before applying.

In order to prevent the covering material from drying out, it must be cover with burlap and moisturize as needed. The outside temperature must be kept at 18 ° C. Under such conditions, after 10-14 days, white spots will appear on the surface of the protective layer.

In order to distribute the mycelium more evenly in the casing layer, it is necessary loosen the surface with a rake or brush... After 2 days, the cover should be removed and the soil should be moistened. Germination is complete and the culture needs air. During the ripening period, the premises must be carefully ventilated. At the same time, avoid drafts and intensive movement of air masses.

Champignons do not tolerate watering well during this period.

To maintain humidity in rooms with growing mushrooms, you need to spray the floors or put open containers with water. As soon as the size of the mushrooms has reached yielding, watering can be resumed.

Mushrooms should be picked at the stage when the bottom film of the cap is stretched, but has not yet burst. The mushrooms must be carefully twisted out of the compost, being careful not to damage the mycelium. The place of growth must be immediately covered with earth.

Fruiting takes place in 6–7 queues. The most productive are the first 2 - 3 rotations. They make up approximately 70% of the total collection. And for the entire fruiting period from 1 m2 of area, you can collect from 6 to 15 kg of fresh mushrooms. After each new wave of fruiting, it is necessary to remove all diseased and dead mushrooms. To compensate for the lost moisture in the casing layer by irrigation at the rate of no more than 1 liter per 1 m2 or 0.5 liters per 1 bag.

Active growth lasts 2 to 4 months. Then comes a period of recession. Very few mushrooms appear, and it makes no sense to grow them further.

An example of organizing a mushroom growing business is presented in the following video:

Sanitary standards for growing

To to exclude the possibility of the appearance and development of pathogens in the mushroom, must be observed following conditions:

Harvest realization

Since the cultivation of champignons is supposed to be carried out with the aim of its subsequent sale in the network, the business must be legalized.

For the legal cultivation of champignons and successful implementation, you need to officially register with the tax authorities. Registration as quality will be optimal. When registering, the code 01.12.3- Cultivation of mushrooms is indicated. Form of taxation - Unified agricultural tax with a tax rate of 6 percent.

In addition to the above, for the sale of the harvest, you will need a certificate of compliance of the premises with the standards for growing mushrooms. The issuance of this document is handled by the sanitary services after the inspection of the premises. When selling champignons, you will have to contact this service again, already to obtain a quality certificate for the product. It is issued for a certain period, as a rule, for products, when grown on one compost.

To implement mushrooms can be done in the following ways:

  1. On one's own. With this method, products can be sold at a better price. But this method is suitable only for small volumes for implementation. The method will be successful only during the holidays.
  2. Conclude with shops or restaurants ... In this case, the entrepreneur will have regular customers, therefore, there will be no problems with implementation. But at the same time, at the initial stage, you will have to look for buyers of products.
  3. Sell ​​products wholesale companies... This method also has both positive and negative aspects. When selling wholesale, the price of products will be correspondingly lower than the retail price, but the opportunity to deliver products in large volumes will bring tangible profits.

Financial calculations

Let's compose an approximate one for growing mushrooms.

The mushroom growing cycle is 2 months. It is this period that we will take into account.


Provided that compost is made independently, components (soil, straw) will be needed for it, which will cost 15,000-20,000 rubles for 30 tons. The average price of a mycelium is 8,000-10,000 rubles. Heating and pasteurization costs will amount to 40,000-50,000 rubles. It is difficult to indicate the exact amount, since many heat sources (electricity, gas, coal, etc.) can be used, the price of which differs. Costs for wages will not be taken into account, since growing mushrooms at the initial stage can be done independently or you can involve relatives in this business.

So, organization costs cases will amount to no more than 80,000 rubles. If the premises are rented or additional purchases were made, for example, shelving, these must be included in the amount of expenses.

In the future, it may be necessary to resort to the help of an accountant for reporting to the tax authorities.

Let's calculate income

Here are some approximate figures. We emphasize that the amount of the grown crop also depends on the quality of the mycelium, the environment, and care. On average, 6 tons of mushrooms can be obtained from 30 tons of compost.

Therefore, with an average price when selling goods of 90-100 rubles per kilogram, we get 540,000-600,000 rubles.

Profit will amount to 460,000-520,000 rubles. Of course, this is already an industrial scale.

Depending on the approach to this business, tangible profits can be obtained within 2-3 months from the start of growing.

In conclusion, I would like to add that growing mushrooms is more difficult than oyster mushrooms. And it is advisable, when preparing for this type of business, to get acquainted with the practical experience of growing these mushrooms, to communicate with entrepreneurs.

Work and education