We buy oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushroom prices

Looking for an idea for own business Many people come to grow oyster mushrooms at home. In this piece, we'll take a closer look at the costs, profitability, and feedback of this activity. Is it worth the effort or is serious investment and a large enterprise required?

Advantages and disadvantages

This business is in many ways an ideal option for beginners to get acquainted with entrepreneurship. It requires a minimum start-up capital and allows you to start working with small volumes, increasing them over time. Moreover, at the very beginning it is possible to grow mushrooms exclusively for personal use, and as soon as the technology is debugged, enter the market.

The following advantages should also be noted:

  1. You can grow mushrooms in rural areas, and in the city.
  2. High demand for the crop.
  3. Ample opportunities for business development and expansion.
  4. No need for hired workers, at least in the first stages.
  5. No need for a wide list business contacts.
  6. Relatively stable income.

Among the disadvantages are problems with selling really large batches of mushrooms (although the problem will not begin soon, it all depends on the growth rate). You will also need at least minimal knowledge of the subject (this can be accumulated in the process).

It should be noted that such an important factor as seasonality. In summer and autumn, sales often decline, but starting in mid-winter, when the population runs out of its own supplies, demand increases.

Reasons for choosing oyster mushroom

Leaving aside nutritional value, taste and healthiness, it is worth noting that compared to the more popular chanterelles, honey mushrooms, champignons and others, oyster mushrooms are quite easy to grow, and the growth rate is high. If under natural conditions a mushroom harvest can be obtained in 2-2.5 months, then under artificial conditions this period is halved.

Crops bear fruit in several waves, the weight of one bunch can reach 200 grams, and record holders grow up to several kilograms, or even more.

A separate advantage is that the mushroom can grow on almost any substrate: stumps, straw, sawdust, even sunflower husks. In some countries, oyster mushrooms are even grown on paper waste. Modern technologies allow us to further expand this list.

Selecting a sales market

Among the most obvious options:

  • Independent sale in markets. In this case, you will have to worry about finding a free trading place, make and correctly place advertising, attract the attention of potential buyers. In this case, sales proceed at a retail pace. The advantage is the ability to set your own prices, keeping an eye on your competitors, if any.
  • Sales through grocery stores and supermarkets. In every fairly large city there is a retail chain or a separate point that will be of interest wholesale purchase mushrooms Unfortunately, most often they offer very low prices. Over time, it will be possible to switch to more favorable terms of cooperation, and the accumulated base of regular customers will remain with you, even if you break off cooperation with point of sale.
  • Sales to restaurants. Mushrooms are traditionally in great demand in restaurants. The reason is simple - such establishments cook only from the freshest products. Cooperation will make it possible to quickly and profitably sell large quantities of mushrooms. The rest can be sold using the first or second method.

Needless to say, no matter what option it is ultimately decided to resort to, the grown mushrooms must be highest quality.

Enterprise registration

Before starting work, you should register your business. To do this, you need to select the OKVED code 01.12.31.

This type business involves three options legal form: Individual entrepreneur, LLC or peasant farm, that is, a peasant farm. All three have their pros and cons. A form such as personal subsidiary farming will not be suitable in this case.


Makes it possible to grow mushrooms and sell the harvest.

To register, you will need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles, submit an application to switch to the simplified tax system or unified tax system, and also prepare an application in form No. P21001, which will need to be certified by a notary.

You should worry about photocopies of all significant pages of your passport in advance.


Gives the right to attract investments through loans for Agriculture and through government programs.

To register, you need to pay a state fee of 4,000 rubles, submit application No. P11001, prepare the charter of the LLC and a decision on its opening, have copies of the passports of all founders certified by a notary, and write an application for the transition to the chosen form of taxation.

Authorized capital enterprise must be at least 10,000 rubles.


Documenting own farm plays an important role in this matter. The mushroom business in Russia does not provide for obtaining a special certificate.

However, in order to become a successful seller of your products, you will need the result of a laboratory test. You can get it from a food laboratory. Its employees often additionally ask to prepare a safety protocol. It will require an analysis for the presence of radioactive substances and heavy metals.

Documenting the cultivation of oyster mushrooms on an industrial scale (even in your own basement) is an expensive and slow task. Moreover, the resulting protocol will need to be updated every 3 months.

Selecting a room

The choice of premises for creating a mushroom plantation should be made as responsibly as possible. It is preferable to choose places that are fairly humid, but not too hot. If we are talking about the very beginning of a business, then a basement or cellar at home may be suitable. As the business develops, old cowsheds, vegetable stores and similar buildings can be purchased and refurbished. As a last resort, you can buy a special greenhouse.

Premises requirements:

  1. Residual moisture.
  2. High-quality ventilation, but without drafts (if no other option is suitable, you can make several holes in the lower part of the wall and extend the hood).
  3. The ability to adjust the temperature (especially important in winter).
  4. Mandatory disinfection before starting planting work.

A few words about the size of the room. The truck holds about 20 tons of compost for growing. In order to completely distribute it and put it into full use, an area of ​​200-odd square meters will be required. The internal space is divided into sections in which multi-level (depending on the height of the ceiling) shelving is installed.

Each farm must have at least two passages. The first will be used to transport the harvested crop, it can be made narrower, the second should be much wider - soil will be loaded along it.

Additional premises include a boiler room, a couple of refrigerators for storing collected mushrooms, an area for packaging and various technical premises: change houses, a toilet and others. As a result, the total area of ​​the farm grows to almost 1-1.5 thousand square meters. Of course, at first you can get by with more modest premises.

If you plan to grow oyster mushrooms all year round and entirely on your own, you will have to provide several additional premises:

  • An inoculation room, where mushroom blocks will be formed from the finished substrate in bags, into which the mycelium is then seeded.
  • Incubation room for mycelium germination.
  • Cultivation room for forcing the fruiting body (the largest room, blocks are strung on rods, laid out on multi-tiered racks or suspended).

The first thing you will need is a high-quality ventilation and air conditioning system, which will be used to maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions.

For additional heating in winter time water heating boilers are used. Ideally, it is recommended to purchase several full-fledged climate control units that will help regulate atmospheric parameters for mushrooms at different stages of ripening.

Refrigeration chambers are used to store finished products. It is very important that they preserve mushrooms only for a period of three days. In addition, for proper air circulation, they must be filled no more than halfway.

For premises you will need a large number of shelving. Also, depending on the specific variety, bags or boxes will be required for production.


The overwhelming majority of responsibilities rest with the owner. It is he, at least at the start, who deals with delivery and sales issues. Very often, at the beginning of work, when several relatives are involved in the business, one is responsible for some of the supplies, while the rest deal with direct issues of cultivation, fertilization, planting, etc.

As the farm grows and mushroom production expands, managing everything will become increasingly difficult. At some point, inviting new employees to your small business will become an urgent need. However, there are no special requirements for employees in this matter - they will only be required to be conscientious, have no bad habits and have a medical record.

Considering that none educational institution Since the country does not have a department of mushroom science, it will be simply impossible to find a qualified specialist. Of course, there is always a chance that an experienced person will come across. In this case, it is highly recommended to set his salary depending on output.

It is difficult to say what total number of employees will be required for breeding. One assistant will be enough to grow oyster mushrooms at home. If we are talking about a hundredweight harvest every day, then you will need to attract at least a couple of employees.

At the same time, they will deal only with the mushrooms themselves, while additional forces will be required for marketing products, preparing raw materials for production and for the position of accountant. Of course, one person can combine several roles if desired.

Approximate calculation

An approximate analysis of the expenses and income of a large enterprise can be seen in the table.

Start-up costs Sum
1 Rent or purchase of land or building 1,000,000 rubles
2 Purchase of equipment 500,000 rubles
3 Business registration, advertising costs 100,000 rubles
Monthly expenses
1 Wage employees 150,000 rubles
2 Advertising 5,000 rubles
3 Maintenance costs 15,000 rubles
1 Profit from processing at a wholesale price of 1 kg of mushrooms of 14 rubles 1,400,000 rubles

Two things should be noted here important points:

  1. These calculations assume working with a large farm, which has about 100 tons of compost for cultivation; if the scale is reduced, the costs will be lower.
  2. The data is based on one processing cycle, but there can be up to four in a year.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that the net profit for one two-month cultivation cycle will be up to 780 thousand rubles. As a result, according to experts, the full payback period for an oyster mushroom farm will be about two years.

Those interested can download another one.

Competition and risks

Separately, it is worth noting the issue of competition. Currently, its level on the market can be assessed as quite low, which, coupled with low requirements for starting a business, makes it especially profitable for beginners. Imported products have recently left the domestic market, but the price level has remained unchanged, and the demand for mushrooms is consistently high.

Most of the competition to be feared comes from more large manufacturers engaged in industrial breeding. However, there are not many of them on the market today, so there is no need to fear serious opposition to expansion. The risks in this area are also not too great, given the undemanding nature of investments.


The main advantage is high profitability. The advantage is that there is no need for significant investments at the initial stage. The income is quite good - it reaches 650 rubles from each processed square meter in 1.5 months.

Another undeniable advantage is ease of use. Oyster mushrooms require much less care than other mushrooms, including.

Experienced businessmen, however, do not deny the presence of a number of difficulties, but they all relate to the initial stages of establishing the process and sales. Once these issues are settled, everything becomes much simpler and all that remains is to collect and sell the crops.

Video: technology for growing oyster mushrooms.

Very often, it is the issues of selling their products, including their certification, that become a stumbling block for beginning entrepreneurs. Which can be especially annoying for a person who is one step away from realizing his dream - creating a profitable environmentally friendly mushroom production. The Center for Environmental Programs is ready to provide support with the sale of finished products to everyone who wants to realize their dream!

Let's try to list all possible sales channels for mushrooms:

1. Retail - with its stores of various formats comes to mind first. A mushroom grower can offer his products for sale to another entrepreneur who has his own small store. It is also possible to rent a place at the market and sell mushrooms yourself. Large Network shops, most likely they will not allow a small manufacturer onto their shelves - they are interested in supply volumes of several tons.

Of course, in order to be allowed to trade food products in our country, you need to complete the appropriate documentation:

A-you must register as individual entrepreneur or how entity;

B- have legally obtained technical specifications for your products (you will most likely have to buy them);

IN- issue a certificate of conformity for your products at the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance;

G- provide quality certificates for each batch of products offered for sale.

2. Wholesale - it is quite possible that your offer will be of interest to a reseller at a wholesale base or the owner of a small network of vegetable stalls. In this case, having lost in price, you will save time and effort.

3. Canteens, cafes, restaurants- what was previously called catering, and now the newfangled word ferret. Naturally, business owners Catering We are interested in the freshness and quality of products and of course will be happy to receive your supplies.

4. Sales through friends- you (and perhaps your employees) probably have friends who love mushrooms; they have friends with the same tastes. By organizing trade “by appointment” and making arrangements for delivery, you will find a large number of consumers of your products.

5. Recycling- the disadvantage of all of the above distribution channels is the seasonality of demand. As a rule, in Russia there is a huge demand for mushrooms in winter. Especially during holidays and fasting. In summer, demand decreases significantly. In order not to experience interruptions in the sale of mushrooms, it is best to be able to offer them to processing industries. After all, mushrooms can be frozen, dried, pickled, or pickled. They are also used in the preparation of various types of cheeses, pates, dumplings, dumplings and pizzas, after all.

6. And finally, the most convenient option that insures all your risks. You can donate fresh mushrooms to our company. At the same time, you do not need to register as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, you do not need to buy technical specifications, you do not need to certify your mushrooms, you do not need to issue a quality certificate. There is no need to even buy anything from our company. We will simply accept all your mushrooms at a price of up to 120 rubles. for 1 kilogram without any problems.

Mushrooms are taking over the basements of our houses. And not only do they not fight them, but they also feed, water and plant more and more. Because then they can be sold at a profit - to a store or even a restaurant. You can just eat it yourself: the basement mushrooms are extremely tasty. They are called oyster mushrooms. And if American corn never became the queen of our fields, then the overseas oyster mushroom has a great chance to become the queen of our cellars.
Mushrooms are like milk cows. Just as ruminants convert hay into milk, so mushrooms convert useless sawdust and straw into a useful and tasty product. But while milk can be bought at any store, mushrooms are still in short supply. Mushrooms grown on plantations are still new to our market. Meanwhile, in Europe they dominate the shelves. Some countries (for example, Holland) have laws that simply prohibit picking mushrooms in the forest.
Until the mid-seventies, the main mushroom crop was champignon. However, over the past two decades, this delicate mushroom has been confidently replacing oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushroom is an absolutely environmentally friendly product. When growing it, pesticides and chemical fertilizers cannot be used.
By the way, oyster mushrooms were also grown in the USSR - however, only three farms in the southern republics. Now there are about 300 private companies engaged in its cultivation in Russia. Last year they produced 1,056 tons of oyster mushrooms, an increase of 29% compared to 1998 (for comparison, the increase in champignon production is only 5%).
According to the most conservative forecasts of the Interregional Association of Mushroom Growers (this organization includes 45 participants in the “mushroom” business from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Uzbekistan), in the next few years, the cultivation of oyster mushrooms will increase annually by 20%, and real market demand is five times faster than supply. -six. Moscow alone needs 40 tons of mushrooms every day, but only 10 tons are actually supplied to stores. If in Russia there are only 122 grams of mushrooms per capita per year, then each German consumes almost 3 kg, a Hungarian - 2 kg, and, for example, a Belgian - 4 kg. Moreover, fresh mushrooms on store shelves are just the tip of the consumer iceberg. Mushrooms are required by restaurants and canning factories; they are supplied abroad.
The increase in demand for oyster mushrooms can also be explained by the fact that over the past year and a half, imported fresh mushrooms (mainly Dutch and Polish) have almost completely disappeared from the market. Alexander Khrenov, director of the Interregional Mushroom Growers Association: Demand far exceeds supply. According to our estimates, no more than 15% of the market potential is used. He is echoed by Roman Uvarov, manager of the purchasing department of the Perekrestok trading house: More and more mushrooms are being bought, now all the stores in our network sell about 1.5 tons per week. The capabilities of suppliers, I admit, are not enough.
The few mushroom growers are by no means poor. Thus, Sergei Panfilov, director and owner of the Panfilov private enterprise, who invested $30 thousand in this business two years ago, returned it a long time ago and is now actively expanding production: I used to work in trading companies, but I wanted the real deal. Growing mushrooms turned out to be just such a thing.

Mushroom glade
So, there is a demand for mushrooms, and those involved in this business are not complaining about their fate. If so, then nothing prevents you from engaging in such profitable and interesting thing. Alexandra Pilipovich, consultant at the Zarechye state farm: To successfully grow oyster mushrooms, you need significantly less effort and components than to obtain a harvest of champignons, and these mushrooms now cost almost the same.
Professional mushroom growing has nothing to do with growing them in ready-made blocks (logs “charged” with mycelium) at home. For a mushroom farm you need to select suitable premises. A mine, quarry or house basement will do. The main thing is that it maintains a constant temperature and air humidity (about 85%). To do this, you can install special aerosol sprayers. For example, a sprayer from Ventechcom, capable of “treating” 800 square meters. meters, costs about 15 thousand rubles.
Detailed description“mushroom technology” is hardly necessary here - firstly, it will take up a lot of space, and secondly, all the subtleties still cannot be described. Let's just say that for cultivation you will need any cellulose-containing waste: the so-called bonfire (waste from flax plants), as well as straw, sawdust, etc. Their main advantage is their low cost (for example, in the south of Russia you can buy straw for 25 rubles per ton; in the Moscow region, a ton costs 500 rubles). Wood-processing enterprises give away shavings almost free of charge. By mixing these components in certain proportions, you will obtain a nutrient substrate on which oyster mushrooms grow.
In addition to the substrate, you will also need mycelium - mycelium. Oyster mushroom mycelium is sold in Russia by only 6-7 enterprises, of which the three largest are located in the Moscow region - these are the state farms "Zarechye", "Moskovsky" and "Novoselki". The substrate with oyster mushroom mycelium costs about 4.5 thousand rubles per ton. In the regions it can be purchased cheaper (for example, at the Ivanyushkovo farm in the Voronezh region it costs 3.8 thousand rubles). The mushroom harvest can range from 25% to 35% of the total mass of the substrate.
Oyster mushrooms grow in waves, and the first harvest is the largest. The mycelium finally fizzles out in 9-10 weeks. After this it must be changed. Of course, you don’t have to buy a ready-made substrate with mycelium, but purchase everything separately - this will save up to 30%, but it will require extra hassle and will also increase the risk of not receiving the expected harvest (preparing a high-quality substrate is quite difficult). For example, this is exactly what Sergei Panfilov does: I only do forcing - I take a ready-made substrate with mycelium from the Krasny Luch state farm and grow mushrooms. Every week I install new 900 blocks, each weighing 10 kg - this is about a quarter of my total capacity. Each such block costs 52 rubles and produces 2-3 kg of mushrooms per month. In total, on average, up to 9 tons of mushrooms are produced per month. I sell them wholesale for 35 rubles. To maintain such a plantation, at least 10 people are needed. Based on average salary at $50 per month, the net profit can be $4 thousand per month.

Garden biotechnologies
Growing oyster mushrooms is only the first stage of the mushroom business. It is much more profitable to organize the production of raw materials - a substrate with mycelium - and sell it to beginning mushroom pickers. As experts from the Interregional Association of Mushroom Growers note, for this you need to organize the production of the substrate with mycelium yourself, but the main condition for success in this matter is to ensure almost laboratory sterility. To maintain it, it is better to invite a qualified mycologist to work: organize it yourself technological process almost impossible.
As a raw material, you must purchase a “master culture” (these are pure mushroom cells bred in the laboratory). For example, at the Zarechye state farm, one test tube of cells costs only a thousand rubles, but if used sparingly, it can last for 10-15 years. To subsequently obtain mycelium, it is enough to place a particle of this culture in a special medium (nutrient grain agar), where it will grow, and then transfer the cell colonies to the grain matrix - finely ground grain. There they form “primary mycelium”, which gradually grows into a mycelium ready for sale. According to some estimates, the net profit in such production can range from 60% to 100%.
Finished blocks can easily be sold using technology network marketing. For example, the capital company "Bionika" even offers to buy mushrooms grown on their substrate (the company makes blocks for use at home). True, for this you need to listen to a lecture on the rules of growing mushrooms. Tuition is paid - 890 rubles. At first glance, the offer is very attractive. True, they say that mushrooms cannot be grown from every block. Nevertheless, in Moscow alone, according to some data, about 6 thousand people became clients of Bionics. True, in some regions force majeure circumstances stand in the way of mushroom growing. For example, the main sanitary doctor Volgodonsk considered that growing mushrooms in residential premises was unsafe and banned the sale of blocks with mushroom “seedlings” in the city.
That's all the profit.


Oyster mushroom is a product of exceptional environmental purity, because it grows without any pesticides or fertilizers.
