What is trichomoniasis in chickens, what are its symptoms and course, how to treat the disease? Trichomoniasis in pigeons (Trichomoniasis diphtheria) Trichomoniasis in pigeons treatment.

Trichomoniasis in birds is a fairly common disease among birds, which is often found in domestic and wild breeds of pigeons. This is due to the fact that this microorganism, which is an infectious agent of the disease, is viable for a long time in a humid environment, which means it remains active, multiplying in drinking water, on the mucous membranes of the pharynx, larynx, goiter and esophagus of the bird.

Veterinarians claim that trichomoniasis in pigeons, or rather its causative agent, can be found in all poultry, which have non-sterile immunity. By this concept, experts mean such a feature - Trichomonas on the mucous membranes is diagnosed, but the pigeons do not get sick.

An individual is infected in several ways. The most common are poor quality feed and dirty drinking water. Sand, grain films or other coarse foreign particles contained in poor quality feed can injure the protective mucous membranes, allowing bacteria to enter the body, causing trichomoniasis in birds.

An infectious disease can manifest itself in different ways. Symptoms depend on the immunity of the individual and the virulence of the virus. But as veterinary practice shows, although there are several forms of the disease, in birds in most cases it manifests itself in the defeat of the oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus. This is a fairly serious infection that responds well to timely treatment. If time is lost, then a sick pigeon may die, infecting other birds.

Symptoms and treatment of trichomoniasis in pigeons

Lethargy, immobility, an open beak, dense neoplasms "yellow plugs" on the mucous membranes, increasing every day - symptoms observed in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis in pigeons. Timely treatment can save the bird from suffocation and death.

In addition to the listed signs, a bird may have liquid droppings with a pungent putrid odor, an increased volume of the abdomen. These signs indicate an intestinal form of trichomoniasis in pigeons. Treatment with this form is quite difficult and often the sick individual dies.

To treat the disease in birds, the drug Trichopolum is used in the form of a solution. For young animals, 17.5 grams of Trichopolum per 1 liter of water, for adults, 3 grams of the drug for the same volume of water.

The medicine is used in the form of lotions to remove growths from the mouth by massaging the contents of the goiter. Also, the medicinal solution is instilled with a pipette both into the beak of the bird and into the crop, avoiding liquid entering the lungs. For the prevention of carriage, veterinarians recommend adding trichopolum to drinking water.

If trichopolum is absent in the pigeon breeder's first-aid kit, then trichomoniasis in pigeons, the treatment of which should not be postponed, can be carried out with drugs such as iodoglycerin, Lugol's solution.

Birds are no less susceptible to disease than humans. Diseases of pigeons, like human ailments, have different etiologies. Therefore, it is important to know how this or that disease manifests itself and what treatment methods to use in each specific case.

Pigeons are also susceptible to disease like humans.

There are contagious and non-contagious diseases. Young individuals are most susceptible to ailments, but mature birds that are improperly kept and do not receive adequate food can also get sick. If we are talking about infectious diseases, then all birds, without exception, are at risk. There are two methods of infection with infectious diseases.

  1. Direct contact. In this case, a healthy individual is infected directly through direct contact with the carrier.
  2. Indirect contact.The bird becomes infected through soil, air, infected objects, water and feed.

Any changes in the behavior and appearance of birds should alert the poultry farmer, since many diseases of birds are transmitted to humans, and also threaten the death of the entire livestock.


Unhealthy birds can be recognized by decreased activity. Sick pigeons do not fly, hide in dark places, do not touch food. External signs of ailments may include: closed eyes, ruffled feathers, lethargy, discoloration and odor of stool. But each specific disease has its own distinctive characteristics.

Twig (Newcastle disease)

This is the most common pigeon disease. A sick pigeon is infected with a paramyxovirus, which already on the fourth day causes a lack of coordination and paralysis. The death of an individual is possible on the ninth day of illness. The disease goes through three stages, and the task of the poultry farmer is to isolate the infected bird at the first stage.

  • Stage 1 - the pigeon ruffles its feathers, does not eat, often drinks and sleeps.
  • Stage 2 - paralytic. Paralysis runs from top to bottom. At first, the bird cannot move its neck, then its wings, paws and the whole body. The dove often falls. The infected bird throws its head back, which indicates that the virus has reached the nervous system and brain. The danger is posed by possible internal hemorrhage and cerebral edema.
  • Stage 3 - severe convulsions begin.

Treatment of pigeons affected by a swivel is impossible. All that the poultry farmer can do is separate the sick individual and disinfect the dovecote with a 3% formalin solution.

To prevent infection, after the first month of life, a young pigeon must be vaccinated. This can be done independently by adding two drops of the drug "La Sota" or "Bor-74" in the drink for five days (twice a day). For prevention, Albuvir is widely used.

The swirl can cause conjunctivitis and inflammation of the lymph nodes in humans, so gloves and a mask should be worn when in contact with sick birds.

The pigeon twirl is a disease that is dangerous for people. Use gloves.


The causative agent of the disease is a pigeon-type ultravirus. Mature individuals are less susceptible to this disease, they can only be its carriers. The means of infection are droppings, water, and insects that carry the smallpox virus. In the absence of treatment, the disease becomes chronic, and if the bird receives the necessary treatment on time, lifelong immunity is developed.

Smallpox is most likely to be contracted in the spring and summer. The incubation period is 15 days. The defeat of the skin and mucous membranes is the first sign of the disease.

The symptoms of the disease vary depending on the type of smallpox.

  1. Diphtheric. The development of pockmarks occurs in the pharynx and on the oral mucosa. After ten days, the neoplasms become as large and painful as possible. Because of this, the pigeon is unable to close its beak. Further, the infection makes itself felt on the nose and eyes.
  2. Smallpox. Red spots appear near the beak, eyes and neck. Later, the pockmarks pass under the wings and on the paws. The formation of spots takes two weeks, after which erosion appears in their place, which lasts about a month.
  3. Mixed. With this type of smallpox, symptoms of the first and second types occur simultaneously.

For the treatment of smallpox, different drugs are used, depending on the location. Spots on the skin are treated with a solution of boric acid (2%). The affected beak will help to cure Lozeval's solution with glucose, tetracycline antibiotics and Enrostin are also used. The bird's larynx is treated with Lugol and antibiotics.

For prevention, you need to treat the dovecote with iodine-containing preparations, and add "Chloramine" (1%) to the drinking water.

For a person, this disease is not dangerous.

Adult pigeons are less susceptible to smallpox disease, they can only be carriers of it.


Psittacosis is caused by a virus and affects the respiratory tract of a pigeon. At the initial stage, it is difficult to diagnose, since the process can proceed without external signs. Later, the bird develops a runny nose and inflammation of the bronchi. The snot is secreted as thick mucus. At the same time, the pigeon wheezes, refuses to fly, drowsiness and emaciation appear. In the acute phase, psittacosis leads to nasal catarrh, inflammation of the conjunctiva and intestines, pigeons sneeze. The bird's eyes become inflamed, swollen, reddened. As a result, the pigeon avoids light, and lacrimation may occur. Exudate from the eyes sticks together the feathers near the eyes and can flow to other parts of the body, staining the plumage.

Psittacosis is contagious. Adult pigeons most often get sick latently, and half-year-olds suffer from an acute form.

Transmission of infection occurs through feed, water, exudate, droppings.

The most effective medicines for pigeons in psittacosis are broad-spectrum antibiotics (Oleandomycin phosphate, Ampicillin). Along with taking antibiotics, supportive therapy with the use of trace elements and vitamins ("Trivit", vitamins A, C, etc.) is carried out.

The higher the resistance of the bird's body to external factors, the lower the probability of infection. And if it did happen, then it may be asymptomatic.

Paratyphoid (salmonellosis)

Paratyphoid is a fairly common infection in pigeons. Its cause is salmonella. The sick bird does not pay attention to what is happening around, it develops drowsiness, unwillingness to eat, thirst, loose stools. Diarrhea in pigeons is characterized by a frothy green discharge.

You can become infected with paratyphoid through food, drinkers, feces. Adult pigeons tolerate the disease more easily and can be a source of infection for a long time. Young animals suffer most from paratyphoid fever.

There are 2 types of disease.

  1. Intestinal. The feces of the bird are liquid, mixed with blood. Later, the joints are affected, the bird cannot move and fly. The joints on the wings are most often affected, less often on the legs.
  2. Nervous. The visual center of the brain is affected. A clear sign of paratyphoid fever - the bird loses coordination, throws back its head.

In the treatment, sulfa drugs are used. There are good reviews about the medicines "Parastop" and "Enrostin". The remedies are mixed with water or food. Sick individuals are removed or killed. Stool samples from the remaining livestock are sent for bacteriological analysis.

In the treatment of paratyphoid pigeons, sulfa drugs are used.


Trichomoniasis in pigeons is difficult and has a high probability of death. The causative agent is the simplest flagellate. Infected individuals have poor appetite, body temperature is slightly increased. Visually, the bird looks disheveled, with lowered wings, breathing is heavy, the pigeon has difficulty swallowing, the goiter increases. To facilitate the swallowing process, the bird presses its head against its neck. In addition, in sick pigeons, fluid is often released from the beak, stool upset is observed, and nodules may appear on the oral mucosa.

If the upper part of the esophagus is damaged, then the bird's throat is deformed, a lump-shaped seal appears.

Trichomoniasis in pigeons begins as a result of invasion by secretions of water and food. Individuals up to two months are at risk, since in adult birds, most often trichomoniasis is chronic. The incubation period of the disease is on average two weeks.

How is trichomoniasis treated? For recovery, the birds are given bread with the addition of "Trichopol" or "Osarsol", no more than 0.05 mg. The course of admission is 4 days, a break for two days and a repetition of the four-day course again.

Trichomoniasis in pigeons begins as a result of invasion by secretions of water and food.


This disease has no external signs of damage, so it is difficult for a poultry farmer to diagnose it in time. The causative agent of the disease is the simplest groups of coccidia. The infection affects and develops in the intestines. The only way to protect yourself from it is to maintain a high immunity of pigeons, since pathogenic microorganisms live in the poultry house and immediately overtake weak individuals.

Coccidosis is manifested by diarrhea with an admixture of blood, general weakness, lack of appetite, weight loss, and ruffled feathers.

The therapy is carried out with antibiotics. You can use "Baykoks", "Koktsidiovit", "Enrostin".

It is important that the medicated feed is eaten within one day. Yesterday's food with medicines cannot be used.


Pigeon tuberculosis manifests itself in the form of specific tuberculous foci in any tissues and organs of the bird. Depending on what was the route of infection, tubercles are introduced into the mucous membrane of the affected organ and eventually spread to nearby body systems.

The symptoms of the disease can be different when different organs are infected. The most common are:

  • loss of luster of the feather cover;
  • inactivity;
  • sick pigeons do not lay eggs;
  • weight loss;
  • lameness;
  • swelling on the soles of the feet;
  • diarrhea.

The source of infection is the carriers. They can be birds, cats, dogs, farm animals. Discharge from sick animals is just as dangerous as direct contact. But with oral infection, only a few microbes remain in the body. Most of them die under the influence of gastric juice and are excreted.

How to treat pigeons infected with tuberculosis? Breeders often use drugs such as Ampicillin and Oxytetracycline.

The disease is contagious to humans. If the signs of tuberculosis are too pronounced, it would be more correct to kill the pigeon and disinfect the poultry house.

Pigeon tuberculosis is practically not amenable to treatment and is dangerous to humans.


Pigeon thrush is a fungal disease that affects the upper digestive tract. Due to the spread of the fungus, a white film forms in the bird's mouth. Painful sensations make the pigeon refuse food, lose weight, be depressed and ruffle feathers.

Excessive dampness in the house is one of the most common causes of thrush.

Sick birds are placed in a separate cage, white plaque is removed, and erosion is treated with fish oil, glycerin or iodine. To disinfect the room where the sick birds were, they use a folk recipe - hot soda and the method of burning.


Birds are no less susceptible to this disease than animals and humans. Sick individuals refuse food, lose weight, diarrhea is observed. Outwardly, they are disheveled and have a dull feather cover. If the worms have reached the eye of the eye, then it becomes cloudy, upon closer inspection, a foreign body can be seen in it. In advanced cases, the joints are damaged in pigeons, which causes paralysis, even death.

Worms in pigeons appear due to improper maintenance, non-observance of room hygiene and unbalanced nutrition.

The medicine for worms should have anthelmintic activity. Preparations containing albendazole are widely used. Regular disinfection of the house and the addition of anthelminthics to the feed will minimize the risk of worm infestation.


To prevent diseases of pigeons and their treatment, birds need to be vaccinated on time (in the first month of life). Most effective vaccines:

  • from smallpox - Diftovak;
  • from salmonellosis - Salmo PT;
  • from paramykovirus - Paramyxo vaccin.

To prevent diseases of pigeons and their treatment, birds need to be vaccinated on time.


For diseases of pigeons, coccidosis, salmonellosis, mycoplasmosis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. Such as "Tetracycline", "Oxytetracycline". Available as powder or tablet. Combined antibacterial drugs ("Enrostin", "Etazol") are also used.

With such diseases of pigeons as smallpox, goiter, spirochetosis, streptococcal infection, breeders use "Ekmonovocillin", "Bitsillin".

From psittacosis, pneumonia and trachea - "Erythromycin", "Enrostin", "Tylosin". Also, these funds are able to cure wheezing.

Effective drugs for pigeons with trichomoniasis are "Metronidazole" ("Trichopol"), "Engepatin".

Be sure to read the instructions for use of the medicinal product if you choose the remedy yourself.


Any disease of pigeons is accompanied by specific symptoms. Close attention to the slightest changes in the behavior and appearance of the bird will help to identify and diagnose the disease in time. Timely vaccination of pets, disinfection of the poultry house and a balanced diet are three rules, adherence to which will help prevent problems and diseases of pigeons.

Trichomoniasis is one of the widespread diseases of wild and domestic pigeons. It should be noted that this disease affects young animals of many poultry species. The cause of the disease is a flagellar microorganism from the order of the simplest - Trichomonas. The peculiarity of the pathogen is the ability to remain active for a long time in drinking water, however, drying causes its death. The causative agent of trichomoniasis is unstable in the external environment to adverse factors and disinfectants in conventional dilutions. The main ability of the pathogen is the ability to exist and multiply for a long time on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, goiter.

The causative agent of trichomoniasis is found on the mucous membranes of all domestic pigeons, while the so-called non-sterile immunity is formed, that is, immunity to infection of pigeons with a trichomoniasis pathogen. However, when feeding goitre milk, the pathogen enters the mucous membranes, and in the first days of feeding, adults infect young animals.

The introduction of the pathogen also determines the feeding of poor-quality feed containing sand, coarse films from grain. They injure the mucous membranes and facilitate the penetration of Trichomonas.

The next route of infection is with the intake of drinking water by young pigeons, in which Trichomonas are located.

Reinfection of adult pigeons is possible when a pigeon and a dove are combined with their beaks.

Trichomonas can be found in young pigeons on the umbilical cord and the umbilical ring while in the nest. The course and severity of the disease depend on several factors, and primarily on the virulence of Trichomonas and the natural resistance of the organism.

Juveniles mainly fall ill between the 4th and 20th day of rearing. The worse the feeding conditions, the more often they are affected and the more severe the trichomoniasis is.

There are several forms of trichomoniasis, but most of all this disease occurs with damage to the pharynx, mouth, esophagus. When infected, pigeons become immobile, sit in a nest with lowered wings, an open beak, as there is a blockage of the entrance to the larynx, in the oral cavity on the mucous membranes there are dense yellow formations, which are called "yellow plug". Sometimes these overlays are visible through the open beak. After a few days, due to an increase in the yellow plug, suffocation and death occurs. Other signs include weakness, inability to fly, sticking plumage, indifference.

With damage to the internal organs of the digestive system and the liver, an intestinal disorder occurs (the so-called intestinal form), the droppings are released, a liquefied, putrid, unpleasant odor, sharply increases in the volume of the stomach. This form of the disease occurs in pigeons older than one month of age and is difficult, ending in death. In the liver with this form, trichomoniasis foci are observed in size from a pea to a pigeon's egg.

In the cicatricial form of trichomoniasis, the skin is first thickened, a small knot of yellow-brown color is formed, penetrating deep into the interior with damage to the internal organs. The division of trichomoniasis into these forms is conditional, since simultaneous damage to the pharynx and intestines is often noted.

In the event of a yellow plug and other lesions, it is necessary to differentiate from diseases similar to the course: from the diphtheria form of smallpox, candidamy-goat, the diphtheritic form of avitaminosis A. Accurate diagnosis is possible with a laboratory study of crops from the internal affected organs.

Treatment and prevention. Young pigeons remove the overlays from the oral cavity, massage the contents of the goiter. After removing the overlays with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of Trichopolum (35 g per 2 L of water), the same drug is instilled through a pipette into the oral cavity and goiter. To prevent fluid from entering the lungs, it can be injected through a tube. To destroy the carrier, adult pigeons add 3 g of trichopol per 1 liter to drinking water and solder the solution for several days, constantly adding vitamins to the main diet. The overlays on the skin are removed with a sharp scalpel, iodine tincture, iodoglycerin.

In the absence of trichopolis, the fancier can apply a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate, Lugolev solution, iodoglycerin, into which the tip of the feather fan is dipped and the affected areas are lubricated.

Before the start of the breeding season, it is enough to treat the drinking water of adult pigeons with one of the disinfectants (trichopolum, formalin, potassium permanganate, etc.) for 6 days. It is better to carry out the treatment 4-8 days before hatching, then repeat the course of treatment at the beginning of feeding the pigeons.

During the period of feeding pigeons, drinkers should be clean, since Trichomonas reproduce in stagnant water. Particular attention is paid to the processing of pigeons "nurses" acquired for raising short-billed pigeons.

When treating pigeons, it should be borne in mind that untreated cases are treatable. Emaciated pigeons with trichomoniasis of the pharynx and internal organs are not cured. In all cases, with an outbreak of trichomoniasis, it is necessary to diversify the feeding of pigeons by adding trivitamin, fish oil to the diet; carry out cleaning and disinfection of dovecote care items. Good results are obtained by disinfection with a 3-4% solution of soda ash heated to 40 ° C, 2% solutions of bleach or chloramine.

Many of us love to feed pigeons or other birds. But do you know what consequences may await you? Now we will talk about the most common diseases of pigeons transmitted to humans.

Diseases of pigeons: diagnosis, treatment and prevention, danger to humans

In fact, there are a very large number of all kinds of diseases, many of which can develop in the human body.

named an acute infectious disease, the main source of which is wild and domestic birds. In most cases, the disease manifests itself in the cold season.

Most often, psittacosis occurs in pigeons.... Moreover, this disease is often the answer to the question of why pigeon chicks die. On the first day of illness, young animals show symptoms such as shortness of breath and diarrhea, which develop over time and can lead to the death of chicks (usually at 24 weeks of age).

If you notice similar signs of psittacosis in your pigeons, then this is a serious reason for panic. Infected juveniles grow poorly, fledge poorly and eat poorly. In adult birds, the disease can manifest itself as shortness of breath, runny nose and wheezing. Conjunctivitis is also often observed, accompanied by profuse lacrimation.

You may not know why the pigeon is trembling, but as soon as the bird starts sneezing and constantly shaking its head, wanting to get rid of nasal discharge, it is worth considering the possibility of such a disease. After a few days, without proper care, the pigeon will drain and die.

Did you know? For the first time this disease was described by T. Jurgensen, calling it "atypical pneumonia". It happened in 1879. Around the same time, D. Ritter established its relationship with diseases of parrots.

The most effective treatments for psittacosis are azithromycin and erythromycinprescribed in medium therapeutic doses. It is also possible to use antibiotics of the tetracycline series.

The duration of the course depends on the clinical effect, and as a means of pathogenetic treatment, detoxification therapy is carried out with the use of bronchodilators, vitamins, oxygen.

When treating poultry, it is possible to regulate the number of individuals and limit contact with them.

Important! You should never forget about the observance of veterinary and sanitary rules when importing poultry from other countries, keeping them in poultry farms and zoos.

Sick birds are often destroyed and the premises are disinfected. All personnel should be provided with protective clothing and disinfectants.

In the case of humans, patients may be hospitalized for clinical and epidemiological reasons, and individuals who have been at risk of infection may be subject to medical supervision for up to 30 days.

Emergency prophylaxis is carried out within 10 days, using doxycycline and tetracycline.

Infection of a person with psittacosis occurs by inhalation of dust, dried particles of feces and secretions from the beak of birds. The incubation period of the disease lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, and the infection itself can proceed in an acute or chronic form.

It all starts with a rapid rise in temperature, chills, increased sweating, headache, pain in muscles and joints. A sick person may complain of weakness, sleep disturbance, sore throat, constipation. In some cases, nausea and diarrhea are possible.

When examining a doctor, conjunctivitis is often found in patients, and hepatolienal syndrome is formed in the first week of the disease. The heart rhythm is muffled, there is a tendency to bradycardia and a decrease in blood pressure. Insomnia, irritability, tearfulness, apathy or weakness may also develop.

The first sign of lung damage is cough (appears on 3-4 days of illness).

Most often, as a result of infection, the brain, spleen, liver and myocardium are affected. If, in the course of the development of the disease, conditionally pathogenic flora joins, large-focal or lobar pneumonia can be observed.


Trichomoniasis is another widespread disease of wild and domestic pigeons. It is caused by a flagellar microorganism called Trichomonas. A characteristic feature of this pathogen is the ability to live actively in drinking water, but the drying of moisture leads to the rapid death of harmful microorganisms.

There are several forms trichomoniasis, but most often the disease is manifested by damage to the pharynx, mouth and esophagus of birds. Infected pigeons become motionless, constantly sitting in the nest with lowered wings and an open mouth.

Because of the blockage of the entrance to the larynx, it becomes very difficult for them to breathe, and dense yellow formations on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (the so-called "yellow plug") cause discomfort. In some cases, you can see such yellow growths through the open beak of the bird.

A few days later, due to the growth of the yellow plug, suffocation occurs, and the pigeons die. Other no less characteristic signs of trichomoniasis include weakness, sticking of plumage and inability to fly.

If your assumptions are confirmed, and it turns out that the pigeons are really sick with trichomoniasis, then you will have to immediately start treatment, for which modern drugs are used.

One of them is "Trichopol", which is used in the form of lotions to remove growths in the oral cavity, by massaging the contents of the goiter. In addition, the medicine can be instilled with a pipette, and not only into the bird's beak, but also into the crop.

Important! Every effort should be made to avoid fluid entering the lungs.

Often a person is infected with trichomoniasis sexually., although the non-sexual mode of transmission is no less common. In particular, this disease can be attributed to the group of diseases transmitted to humans from pigeons. If an infected bird has come into contact with you or your belongings, there is a serious chance of infection.

Trichomonas is able to exist normally in a humid environment for up to several hours, remaining on dishes, bathroom walls or on toilet seats.

In males, this disease mostly proceeds without any signs, but it can easily lead to infertility, urethritis or chronic prostatitis.

Infected women are forced to deal with chronic inflammation, which sometimes causes tubal infertility or the development of cervical cancer.


Did you know? For the first time, these microorganisms were identified in people with diarrhea in 1884.

There is a whole range of these bacteria, which are quite specific for different types of animals. However, not all of them are pathogenic.

In birds (in particular, in pigeons), the disease can provoke septicemia, chronic respiratory diseases, synovitis (inflammation of the ligaments, which often leads to lameness), pericarditis (inflammation of the sac) and salpingitis (inflammation of the ovary).

However most often campylobacteriosis does not manifest itself in any wayand the pigeon seems completely healthy. In humans, campylobacteriosis manifests itself as diarrhea, which is often accompanied by fever, dysentery, and a pinkish rash on the skin and mucous membranes.

In the treatment of the disease, rehydrating agents, probiotics, enzyme preparations are used, and in especially severe cases, antibiotics.

In most cases, the use of drugs for diarrhea is sufficient, but if the disease is severe, therapy with tetracycline and chloramphenicol may be needed.

If the disease is diagnosed in a pigeon or other poultry, then they begin to feed add furazolidone or give water-soluble nifurprazine along with drinking.

At first glance, clinically healthy birds, together with feces, excrete a certain amount of campylobacter. The disease is transmitted to humans through ingestion of droppings, possibly through ingestion of contaminated water or food.

The incubation period is 12-72 hours. Once in the human body, bacteria cause a number of symptoms of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, patients clearly show abdominal pain, nausea, and a little later vomiting and diarrhea occur. Loose stools are characterized by an extremely unpleasant odor and blood impurities.

In addition, an increase in body temperature is noted and the general condition of the body worsens. These symptoms last no longer than three days. In addition, muscle and joint pain can be troubling.

In some people, the disease becomes chronic, and the symptoms in such cases are not so pronounced: sometimes abdominal pain and nausea are worried, which is complemented by loose stools. Over time, a person begins to lose weight, he becomes weak and fatigue increases.

Sometimes joints can hurt and become inflamed. Women are often worried about itching in the genitals and uncharacteristic discharge. If the disease is started, the infection will cause abscesses in the liver and pancreas.

Did you know? Pigeons began to be bred as poultry 5,000 years ago. Considering that these birds can fly at a speed of 100 km / h, in the old days they were used as postmen.

- zoonotic infectious disease with a polymorphic clinical course. This disease is caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, which is a movable facultative anaerobic short rod. It does not form spores and can invade cells, forming a capsule and contributing to the latent course of infection.

This type of disease is characterized by a long period of their course, and usually no clinical signs can be detected. Visible symptoms appear only in weakened pigeons, in which the disease proceeds with complications: violations of the central nervous system are noted, and the bird quickly dies.

Important! To make an accurate diagnosis of a person, it is necessary to conduct a bacteriological examination of blood, mucus from the nose and throat, cerebrospinal fluid, original feces of newborns or amniotic fluid in pregnant women.

Treatment of pigeons for listeriosis is ineffective, therefore, most often sick birds are destroyed or euthanized in a veterinary clinic. As for prevention, it boils down to limiting the contact of poultry with wild birds (some dovecote houses are covered with a net around the perimeter).

It is also important to adhere to veterinary-sanitary and sanitary-hygienic standards, especially in settlements and at facilities that are associated with animal husbandry (in the case of pigeons, it is necessary to periodically disinfect the pigeons).

A person with listeriosis is prescribed a tetracycline, penicillin or ampicillin group of antibiotics, and only a doctor can determine the required dosage and duration of treatment. In addition, the patient is isolated from others and bed rest is prescribed.

If listeriosis has led to complications in the form of meningitis, then benzylpenicillin sodium salt at 75-100 thousand U / kg, which is administered intravenously every four hours, can help.

Pathogenic therapy is carried out according to generally accepted principles. For example, with an ophthalmic glandular form, a 20% sodium sulfacil solution and 1% hydrocortisone emulsion are topically applied.

For preventive purposes, an analysis of the morbidity of animals and humans is carried out, groups of increased risk and factors that can contribute to the spread of infection are determined, both at home and in a hospital.

Listeriosis, like many other diseases of pigeons, is transmitted to humans with mucus and bird feces, that is, by fecal-oral, airborne droplets or by contact.

Interestingly, bacteria can keep pathogenicity for a long time in dried mucus, as well as in particles of feces or on feathers. However, when it enters the human body, listeria does not always cause illness.

In sick people, listeriosis proceeds as an allergic reaction, and in an acute course, the body temperature rises. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in different ways: in some cases, a rash simply appears, in others, lymph nodes increase and angina develops.

In some particularly difficult situations, listeria can affect the central nervous system, causing meningitis and encephalitis. In most cases, the disease proceeds in an erased form, with a periodic increase in body temperature and nausea. If pregnant women become infected with Listeria, the infection will be transmitted to the child.

- This is another dangerous disease that can be transmitted to humans from pigeons. This disease is caused by a small bacterium of the genus Francisella, which is widespread and highly persistent in the environment.

Poultry, and pigeons in particular, are most often the asymptomatic source of the tularemia bacteria. In the acute course of the disease, they may have a weak appearance and refuse to eat.

No special treatment regimen for tularemia in poultry has yet been developed, therefore, owners of pigeon houses can use only the most common antibacterial drugs (nitrofurans, antibiotics, and sulfonamides).

With regard to prevention, all that can be done to avoid the spread of infection is to isolate sick individuals in time and disinfect the dovecote. In humans, the disease is treated with antibiotics, and those who are at high risk of infection are advised to vaccinate every 5 years.

Almost anyone can become infected with bacteria through direct contact with sick pigeons or through ingestion of contaminated food and water. It should be noted that our body is very susceptible to tularemia, although the bacteria is not transmitted from person to person.

The presence of the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and chills. Also, patients often complain of weakness, body aches, headaches and loss of appetite.

In the initial stages of the development of the disease, the face turns red and swells, a rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, and also periodically worries about abdominal pain. In humans, tularemia can be pulmonary, with a dry cough, wheezing, and chest pain. There are frequent cases of development of secondary pneumonia.

Did you know? Since 1996, Munich has had a law that prohibits citizens from feeding pigeons. For the same offense in Hong Kong, you will face a fine or even eviction from your apartment.

(or, as it is also called, "false tuberculosis") - This is a chronic disease of animals and poultry, which is similar in pathomorphological changes to human tuberculosis and is characterized by the appearance of nodules in the affected tissues and organs. Disease pathogens can cause a wide variety of symptoms.

The specified disease is caused by the effect of pseudotuberculosis pastarella, which occurs in wild and farm birds. In most cases, this ailment occurs against the background of other avian diseases: for example, chronic intestinal disorders.

The characteristic signs of pseudotuberculosis are: depression of birds, ruffled plumage, shortness of breath, abnormal head position, dysfunction of internal organs. A final diagnosis can be made only when there are results of bacteriological studies that confirm the presence of the disease.

Oddly enough, but any special treatment for pseudotuberculosis in pigeons simply does not exist. In most cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, but sick birds still often die, which is due to the rapidly developing intoxication of the body.

Treatment of infected people is carried out in cases of damage to the external lymph nodes and is reduced to their removal. In the presence of superficial abscesses, it is recommended to open them and remove pus. In severely neglected cases, it is very difficult to cure the disease, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

To prevent the appearance and spread of the disease, it is necessary to carry out thorough and regular disinfection of the dovecote, as well as to exterminate rodents in a timely manner. In addition, at the slightest suspicion of pseudotuberculosis, a clinical examination of the bird should be carried out at least twice a month.

If there are doubts about the health of individual individuals, they must be isolated and appropriate bacteriological studies carried out.

Pseudotuberculosis of pigeons is transmitted to humans - this is a fact. Most of the infection occurs through water and poorly processed meat, dairy and vegetable products, even those that were stored in the refrigerator.

Infection from another person is almost impossible, so patients do not need isolation. The development of the disease passes very quickly, and the first symptoms appear already on the second or third day after a person has eaten contaminated food.

Patients often complain of sore throat, chills, weakness and fever up to 38-40 °. Often, a rash appears that strongly resembles scarlet fever and is mainly located around the joints.

Important! In people with immunodeficiency, the process is generalized, and a lethal outcome is quite possible.

Simply put, pseudotuberculosis does not have its own symptoms and rather resembles other infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, scarlet fever or ARVI.


Cryptococcosis is another infectious disease caused by the activity of the yeast Cryptococcus neoformans. Their favorite habitat is soil, which has been fertilized with bird droppings. It's also easy to catch an infection from pigeon nests.

Symptoms of cryptococcosis in pigeons appear as decreased appetite (within 1 to 2 weeks) and difficulty swallowing food. In case of severe disease in sick individuals, the feathers on the head and under the beak stick together with brown-gray crusts, which sometimes make it difficult for the bird to open the beak.

Moreover, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jaw joint there are seals the size of a hazelnut. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is swollen and contains a mucous-cheese-like mass. The center of this mass is somewhat compacted and consists of dead tissue.

Important! Difficulty swallowing after a few weeks can lead to a complete refusal of food, which makes the pigeon very weak.

The disease is accompanied by a depression and narrowing of the palpebral fissure, and in the progressive stage of the disease, the inflammatory process passes to the esophagus.

There is no specific treatment regimen for cryptococcosis in pigeons. As with histoplasmosis, the bird is treated with antimycotic drugs.

Also, nothing concrete can be said about preventive measures. All you can do is isolate diseased pigeons and completely disinfect the pigeon house.

The fungus is transmitted to humans through the respiratory tract, and in 30% of cases, the disease proceeds without any symptoms. However, the remaining 70% have fever, cough, and hemoptysis.

Cryptococcosis begins with pulmonary symptoms, but if treatment is not started promptly, then it can cause brain damage (meningitis, meningoencephalitis).

In the chronic form of the disease, a person has a cough with blood sputum, chest pain, episodic fever, and even hallucinations.


Did you know? Toxoplasma was first discovered in 1908. This happened in North Africa, when scientists examined a diseased gondi rodent. That is why the single-celled creature was named "Toxoplasma gondi".

Outbreaks of toxoplasmosis in pigeons are noted in different countries and have been proven by more than one study. How exactly the infection of birds occurs in natural conditions has not yet been determined, but it is clear that the main route of transmission of the disease to pigeons is their consumption of contaminated food and water.

Toxoplasmosis in pigeons is accompanied by circular movements, a shaky gait and refusal to eat. Paralysis is also not excluded. About 60% of sick individuals die, and in the rest, the disease becomes chronic. Such birds periodically release the pathogen into the environment along with droppings, which is why people often become infected.

Special treatment of pigeons from toxoplasmosis has not yet been developed, and prevention is based on timely disinfection and destruction of rodents, which are often carriers of the disease.

When it enters the human body, toxoplasma is carried through the blood and lymphatic pathways throughout the body, stopping in various organs and tissues.

Having reached the cells, the pathogen finds favorable conditions for further reproduction there, and as a result of its vital activity, an inflammatory process of organic origin appears (caused by the death of cells, local necrosis of tissues and blockage of blood vessels).

That is why, in most infected people, the disease proceeds in latent or chronic forms, and in most cases it is absolutely asymptomatic.

The acute form of the acquired disease (also a person can be born already infected) is quite rare (only in 0.2-0.3% of patients). Its clinical manifestations are very diverse, which makes it difficult to isolate the general symptomatology for all cases of toxoplasmosis in humans.

The manifestations of the disease depend on the immunity of the patient, the organ affected by the infection, and a number of other factors. In some cases, there is a slight increase in body temperature, headaches, dizziness and weakness.


Salmonellosisan infectious disease of pigeons, which has recently been encountered quite often. The causative agent is a movable bacillus from the Salmonella group, which has a low level of resistance to disinfectants and quickly dies from them.

Salmonella can easily survive in water, on litter or in droppings, and in some cases, the pathogen is even detected on the shell of eggs (mainly chicken).

This disease is widespread in all countries of the world, and not only among domestic pigeons, but also among wild pigeons (approximately 30-40%). Moreover, it is it that causes massive losses of birds.

Salmonellosis manifests itself in a wide variety of symptoms, the specificity of which depends on the condition of the pigeon, the conditions of keeping the bird and the virulence of the pathogen. The disease can occur in latent and pronounced forms.

In the first case, the pigeons appear to be completely healthy or have minor signs of illness, while remaining a serious source of infection. In adults, uneven egg deposition, embryo death and a high rate of egg infertility are noted. The younger the pigeons, the more acute the disease progresses.

With severe salmonellosis (it is more manifested in weakened birds), the chicks refuse to eat and die at the age of 8-14 days. Young pigeons are apathetic, lose the ability to fly, drink a lot and eat little. In addition, they have permanently ruffled feathers and often have intestinal upset. All this often ends with the death of birds at the age of 50-70 days.

Also distinguish between intestinal, articular and nervous forms of the course of the disease. With the intestinal variant there is persistent diarrhea with mucus and blood in the stool, as a result of which the tail feathers of the bird are heavily contaminated.

Articular form characterized by twitching and trembling of the limbs. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the musculature of the wings is quite dense, but soon the tension disappears, and small nodules appear under the skin, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe joints. As a result, the pigeon cannot move and fly.

Nervous form of salmonellosis it is expressed in a convulsive state, which, although it is less common, is more likely to be fatal. In the initial stages of the development of the disease, nervous signs periodically appear, but over time, the pigeon rolls over onto its back and dies.

After confirming the diagnosis, you can proceed to the treatment of salmonellosis in pigeons. For this, modern drugs are used in doses recommended by the manufacturer.

Young individuals (chicks) are most often prescribed chloramphenicol, enroflon, ampicillin, baytril and other similar drugs. However, drug treatment alone is not enough, and a whole range of additional measures will have to be taken to help prevent the spread of the disease.

The prevention of salmonellosis includes actions aimed at improving the diet and conditions of keeping birds, conducting veterinary and sanitary measures and compulsory vaccination of pigeons.

The salmonellosis infection, which can be transmitted to humans through pigeon droppings, affects the digestive tract.

The onset of the disease is characterized by rather acute manifestations: body temperature rises, headache appears, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Salmonellosis is also dangerous for people because it can affect the heart, blood vessels and joints.

Did you know? In the Christian religion, the dove is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit, in Islam it is considered as Divine inspiration, and in Freemasonry it is a symbol of innocence.

For a long time it was believed that Newcastle disease refers only to representatives of the order of chickens. Until 1970, there was little information about the possible disease of pigeons, especially since the isolation of the virus and its typing were not carried out. In most cases, the disease was sporadic and only affected individual birds.

Nevertheless, after the epizootic that appeared in 1970-1972 and caused great losses, much more attention began to be paid to infections in pigeons. The virus isolated from them belongs to the group of avian paramyxoviruses of serogroup-1.

4-5 days after infection, the pigeons begin to show clinical signs of the disease. For a virus, this time is quite enough to begin active reproduction in the bird's body and to be excreted with tracheal mucus and droppings.

The clinical signs of Newcastle disease in pigeons, which are caused by velogenic strains of the virus, have their own characteristics. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the pigeon becomes lethargic, apathetic, indifferent and sits crouching all the time, with closed eyes.

The bird reacts poorly to the environment, and after some time, paralysis of the limbs, tail and neck begins to develop.

Some pigeon breeders report seizures in their wards, caused by the penetration of bright light into the dovecote. The attacks are so strong that the pigeon falls on its side and sharply rotates its head. Sometimes this happens during flight, as a result of which the bird falls from a height and begins to move uncoordinatedly.

Important! Unlike chickens, in pigeons this ailment proceeds in a septicemic form and is most often characterized by a disorder of the central nervous system. The mortality of pigeons from Newcastle disease ranges from 10% to 70% and occurs 2-9 days after the first clinical signs appear.

The last stage of the development of the disease is the complete immobilization of the pigeon.

At the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to deliver the sick bird to the veterinary clinic, where doctors can make an accurate diagnosis.

Transportation of such a pigeon should be carried out in accordance with all the rules in order to exclude the possibility of the spread of the virus (place the pigeon in a separate lockable box, having previously made several holes in it for air intake).

After confirming the diagnosis, some pigeon breeders use a variety of drugs aimed at improving the condition of the pigeon (for example, vitamins and tranquilizers), however, given the danger of the spread of infection, treatment is inappropriate.

It is very important to immediately disinfect the dovecote and care items, and vaccinate the remaining birds with a vaccine that contains a weakened virus. Young animals are also vaccinated by inoculating them with the vaccine "B" or "La Sota" intranasally.

In dovecotes, it is imperative to maintain cleanliness, and the diet of pigeons should be selected taking into account the breed, age and breeding season. New individuals must be isolated from the main composition for up to 30 days, and birds can only be imported from countries where Newcastle disease is not common.

Contact of domestic pigeons with wild birds, which may well serve as a source of infection, should be limited. To prevent foreign birds from entering the dovecote, you need to close the windows and ventilation openings with a mesh with a mesh size of 1.5x1.5 cm.

As you can see, all preventive measures are based on the use of the vaccine. Both domestic and foreign drugs have been successfully used for many years to increase the immunity of pigeons, while remaining absolutely harmless to them.

one of the most insidious diseases, since its symptoms are easily confused with the common cold, which interferes with the correct diagnosis and timely treatment. However, you should definitely pay attention to conjunctivitis and a slightly elevated temperature.

If you do not respond in a timely manner to the onset of the disease, the respiratory, digestive and nervous systems will suffer. However, for humans, this disease is not as dangerous as for pigeons.

How to protect yourself

It is quite difficult to get infected with any disease from street birds, but this does not mean that this will not happen to you. Although such cases are rare, non-observance of hygiene rules can lead you to completely undesirable consequences.

Most poultry diseases are transmitted to humans through the consumption of raw eggs or the ingestion of fecal matter into the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, if you feed pigeons by throwing food on the asphalt or using feeders for this, the risk of contracting an unpleasant ailment is practically reduced to zero. Of course, if you like hand-feeding the birds, the main thing is to wash them right away.

To protect yourself from disease, also you can not touch sick individuals- only specialists should do this. Lethargy, watery eyes, coughing and refusal to eat are some of the first signs of a disease in pigeons.

All about pigeons Bondarenko Svetlana Petrovna

Trichomoniasis in pigeons (trichomoniasis diphtheria)

Trichomoniasis is one of the widespread diseases of wild and domestic pigeons. It should be noted that this disease affects young animals of many poultry species. The cause of the disease is a flagellar microorganism from the order of protozoa - Trichomonas. The peculiarity of the pathogen is the ability to remain active for a long time in drinking water, however, drying causes its death. The causative agent of trichomoniasis is unstable in the external environment to unfavorable factors and disinfectants in conventional dilutions. The main ability of the pathogen is the ability to exist and multiply for a long time on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, goiter.

The causative agent of trichomoniasis is found on the mucous membranes of all domestic pigeons, while the so-called non-sterile immunity is formed, that is, immunity to infection of pigeons with a trichomoniasis pathogen. However, when feeding goitre milk, the pathogen enters the mucous membranes, and in the first days of feeding, adults infect young animals.

The introduction of the pathogen also determines the feeding of poor-quality feed containing sand, coarse films from grain. They injure the mucous membranes and facilitate the penetration of Trichomonas.

The next route of infection is with the intake of drinking water by young pigeons, in which Trichomonas are located.

Reinfection of adult pigeons is possible when a pigeon and a dove are combined with their beaks.

Trichomonas can be found in young pigeons on the umbilical cord and the umbilical ring while in the nest. The course and severity of the disease depend on several factors, and primarily on the virulence of Trichomonas and the natural resistance of the organism.

Juveniles mainly fall ill between the 4th and 20th day of rearing. The worse the feeding conditions, the more often they are affected and the more severe the trichomoniasis is.

There are several forms of trichomoniasis, but most of all this disease occurs with damage to the pharynx, mouth, esophagus. When infected, pigeons become immobile, sit in a nest with lowered wings, an open beak, as there is a blockage of the entrance to the larynx, in the oral cavity on the mucous membranes there are dense yellow formations, which are called "yellow plug". Sometimes these overlays are visible through the open beak. After a few days, due to an increase in the yellow plug, suffocation and death occurs. Other signs include weakness, inability to fly, sticking plumage, indifference.

With damage to the internal organs of the digestive system and the liver, an intestinal disorder occurs (the so-called intestinal form), the droppings are released, a liquefied, putrid, unpleasant odor, sharply increases in the volume of the stomach. This form of the disease occurs in pigeons older than one month of age and is difficult, ending in death. In the liver with this form, trichomoniasis foci are observed in size from a pea to a pigeon's egg.

In the cicatricial form of trichomoniasis, the skin is first thickened, a small knot of yellow-brown color is formed, penetrating deep into the interior with damage to the internal organs. The division of trichomoniasis into these forms is conditional, since simultaneous damage to the pharynx and intestines is often noted.

In the event of a yellow plug and other lesions, it is necessary to differentiate from diseases similar to the course: from the diphtheria form of smallpox, candidamy-goat, the diphtheritic form of avitaminosis A. Accurate diagnosis is possible with a laboratory study of crops from the internal affected organs.

Treatment and prevention. Young pigeons remove the overlays from the oral cavity, massage the contents of the goiter. After removing the overlays with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of Trichopolum (35 g per 2 L of water), the same drug is instilled through a pipette into the oral cavity and goiter. To prevent fluid from entering the lungs, it can be injected through a tube. To destroy the carrier, adult pigeons add 3 g of trichopol per 1 liter to drinking water and solder the solution for several days, constantly adding vitamins to the main diet. The overlays on the skin are removed with a sharp scalpel, iodine tincture, iodoglycerin.

In the absence of trichopolis, the fancier can apply a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate, Lugolev solution, iodoglycerin, into which the tip of the feather fan is dipped and the affected areas are lubricated.

Before the start of the breeding season, it is enough to treat the drinking water of adult pigeons with one of the disinfectants (trichopolum, formalin, potassium permanganate, etc.) for 6 days. It is better to carry out the treatment 4–8 days before hatching, then repeat the course of treatment at the beginning of feeding the pigeons.

During the period of feeding pigeons, drinkers should be clean, since Trichomonas reproduce in stagnant water. Particular attention is paid to the processing of pigeons "nurses" acquired for raising short-billed pigeons.

When treating pigeons, it should be borne in mind that untreated cases are treatable. Emaciated pigeons with trichomoniasis of the pharynx and internal organs are not cured. In all cases, with an outbreak of trichomoniasis, it is necessary to diversify the feeding of pigeons by adding trivitamin, fish oil to the diet; carry out cleaning and disinfection of dovecote care items. Good results are obtained by disinfection with a 3-4% solution of soda ash heated to 40 ° C, 2% solutions of bleach or chloramine.

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